Babies Blog Children Family Graduating Seniors Pets Rambling Weddings

Making the Memories Count

montage of children, families, seniors, and weddings photos
montage of children, families, seniors, and weddings photos

As we continue to reflect upon and celebrate all that has happened in the past 10 years, we take a look at the numbers of unique moments we’ve captured.

Over 1000 Just4Fun Kid’s sessions with all the goofy grins, silly smiles and unexpected moments one can imagine…
Hundreds of furry friends and their owners, those that behaved and those that made attempts to chase the neighborhood cat…
Over 800 nervous, yet excited graduating seniors, each with their own brand of style and personality…
Nearly 1500 fun-filled, action packed family sessions with crazy kiddos running around being chased by each other while the parents stand back and laugh at the mayhem…
Several dozen voice quivering “I do” moments, decorated Just Married getaway vehicles, and teary dads that are reluctant to give away their baby girls…
You, our clients, have invited us to be a part of creating tens of thousands of special moments.  It continues to be a blessing and honor.

-G. Patterson Studio

Blog Children Family Graduating Seniors Rambling

Connecting with our Clients… Then and Now

A snapshot of our printed newsletter from 9 years ago.
A snapshot of our printed newsletter from 9 years ago.


A snapshot of our recent e-newsletter.
A snapshot of our recent e-newsletter.

For the better part of 10 years, we’ve tried to stay connected with our clients through our studio newsletter “Coming Home.”  It’s of great importance to us to remain engaged with our friends and family who continue to support our portrait studio.  The newsletter often contains stories of recent family sessions, growing families, photography tips, upcoming specials, holiday recipes, and our thoughts on the day.  We want to share our exciting stories with our community.  We want to inspire and encourage families and children and graduating seniors.  We want to enrich the lives of our readers if only by bringing a simple smile to their faces.  Our newsletter has seen its fair share of changes, from originating as a print snail-mailer to the current instant email it is today.  So please take the time to peruse and share our newsletter the next time you see it in your inbox.  Thanks for reading… and remember to stay in touch.



A tribute

Memories of those whose help we couldn't do without.
Memories of those whose help we couldn’t do without.

Looking at these pictures from ten years ago, reminds us of how thankful we are for the help we had relocating to our present location. It was a big undertaking and we, more than anyone else, doubted that we could. But, we couldn’t have even considered it had we not had a lot of support. First of all, the place we moved into was a much bigger and older place that needed a lot of attention. In fact, the previous tenant was a fraternity, and judging by the collection of broken glass and such left behind, they must have had a good time! I can’t remember the number of hours we spent painting, sanding, tiling, hammering, spackeling, sewing, weeding, tilling, planting and cleaning (not to mention the actual moving), but there was enough to go around. To mom and dad, we thank you for being available to do anything and everything. And, thinking about how you had to drive in all those weekends makes me even more grateful. You were and are our biggest support. To Juree for being our biggest cheerleader, social planner, office manager, punching bag (on the worst of days), and most of all, friend. And Billy, for being our muscle when we moved and terrific handyman! To Jessica, Daniel and Nathan for just being great and supportive through the whole thing. And Robin, too, for lending us some elbow grease. To Scott Wagner, our master tileman.  To Shawn for building us our beautiful children’s playhouse. To Barbera for giving up a weekend or two to come and paint and, then, paint some more! To all of you and the others too who helped us celebrate at our opening and be happy along with us, we love you all very much and are thinking of you fondly this month.  Greg & Cindy

Blog Children Events Family Portrait Sessions Rambling

Our Portrait Garden’s 10 Year Transformation

Current image of the private portrait garden of G. Patterson Studio
Current image of the private portrait garden of G. Patterson Studio
10 year old image of the garden before it was the garden.
10 year old image of the garden before it was the garden.
10 year old image of the pond before it was the pond.
10 year old image of the pond before it was the pond.

To our friends of the studio, you are certainly familiar with our private portrait garden.  We try to use it in some creative way for every session.  Hopefully, you would agree that it is one of  the little treasures of Nacogdoches.  To those that have not had the pleasure of a family or children portrait session in the garden, I am confident that you will be amazed.  With greenery and colorful blooms almost year round, pond and waterfall, gazebo and swing, stone walkways and pergola, our garden provides an endless variety of gorgeous portrait backgrounds and settings.  Upon seeing our garden for the first time, clients will often “oooh” and “aaah” and exclaim that they never knew this beautiful scene was tucked away in downtown’s back yard.

The garden is wonderful, of course, but it is also a labor of love.  Much thoughtful planning went into the initial design and layout of the garden.  And countless hours go into maintaining it day after day, year after year.  I would be remiss to not mention Cindy’s father, Harry, who pours seemingly every spare minute he has into manicuring the plants.  He does an incredible job and we are all thankful.  Greg and Cindy and their children also contribute their fair share to this effort.  Luckily, we don’t ask our clients to join in the yard work.  You get to sit back and enjoy the hard labor that provides fairytale-like beauty.

Looking at these old photos, it’s hard to believe so much has changed in 10 years.  We are so blessed to be able to offer this unique benefit to our clients.  I hope that you come by to see our private portrait garden some time soon.  It is jaw-droppingly amazing in April and May.  Bring the family.  You’ll be glad you did.

-Daryl Sparks

Blog Events News

TBT {throwback Thursday!}

Bunny sessions from the year we began at our new studio. We look forward to these sessions , and we still do!

We would love to hear your thoughts and especially if you remember YOUR bunnies’ names!

Greg & Cindy

2004 Easter Bunnies
2004 Easter Bunnies
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
2004 Easter Bunnies. Looking back 10 years ago.
Blog Events News Rambling

Celebrating 10 Years

TODAY we are celebrating our 10th year anniversary in our current location and roughly 20 years in business. With God’s blessings we are proud to have served Nacogdoches and surrounding East Texas area for the past 20 years!

Over the next month we will be sharing some before and after photos while reliving the past 10 years in this historic Victorian location. We hope you join us by following along and sharing your thoughts along the way.

With deepest gratitude,
Greg & Cindy Patterson

Original and signed version of our ribbon cutting picture from Chamber of Commerce. Shown now, ten years later on the front porch of our Victorian Studio located at 122 N Mound in Nacogdoches, Texas.
Original and signed version of our ribbon cutting picture from Chamber of Commerce. Shown now, ten years later on the front porch of our Victorian Studio located at 122 N Mound in Nacogdoches, Texas.