Blog Events Rambling Self-exploration

Purple Runs Through These Veins

As the saying goes, “I wasn’t born in Nacogdoches, but I came as soon as I could.” Greg and I both grew up in Dallas, and my family would often make the short 1 1/2 hr. drive to Tyler State Park to camp out in the summer. And, that’s where I fell in love with the Pineywoods. I often wish for those first summers back when I was a young girl and smelled the fragrance of the pine trees and felt their soft needles under my bare feet. It was lush and brilliant green, and so different from the concrete jungle of MY hometown. Fast forward to now, and I’m so grateful for the steps that brought me here and for the life for which God has privileged me.

I couldn’t write my life story and leave SFA out. It’s been Greg’s employer for the last 29 years; it’s, also, where we each received our degrees. Like so many others, that town that was home to the university to which we came as freshman, eventually became OUR town.

When we were first married, Greg was photographer for the student newspaper, the Pine Log, and I was a student worker in the Computer Science department. Our daughter was born when we lived in the New Raguet Apartments. This was student family housing on the grounds that now belongs to the SFA Charter School. Many afternoons were spent fishing, picnicking, and walking at the Ag Pond. Collegiate sports was comprised of Lumberjack football and Ladyjack basketball and not much else.

It doesn’t take long to grow roots in a town such as Nacogdoches. You spend enough time here weaving common interests with people at your church, in your school, at your job, you can’t imagine living anywhere else. I’m reminded of the quote from Our Town, “Does anyone ever realize life while they live it…every, every minute?”


So, here we are again, on the eve of another SFA Homecoming. You’d think after thirty-two of them, they’d become dull. But as I grow older (and wiser), I realize those same things we thought were boring, have become the things that have endeared us to this place. Surprisingly, I’m hoping to attend yet another SFA Homecoming parade. I might even throw up an “Ax’em Jacks.”

Blog Photo Gear Rambling Self-exploration Travel

New Mexico, Land of Enchantment

Okay, so Greg and I traveled to New Mexico last week for a backpacking trip in the mountains…well, and to sample the awesome cuisine! It’s in the name, right? New MEXICO? Who knew driving just one state over could take as long as it would’ve taken to get to Florida if we’d gone in the opposite direction. Or, pretty close.

When going backpacking, one does not just throw stuff into their backpack and go, Greg tells me. It takes an enormous amount of planning (and half of what REI has to offer, apparently.) When packing, a good rule of thumb is to not pack more than what your back can handle! It’s not rocket science, but it does require you to ask such questions as, “Do I really need a coat or can I get by with a fleece jacket?” or “How small amount of food can sustain me each day?” Thankfully, this wasn’t our first rodeo, so we knew that skimping in these areas could make for a tortuous trip!

Greg could’ve easily left his camera and tripod and extra lens at home, but would Dr. Who leave his screwdriver? or Dora leave her backpack? or Ernie his Rubber Duckie? Boy, was I glad we weren’t relying on my rinky-dink camera to give us those awesome shots of our epic vacation. So, below are two sets of pictures from the same trip. I bet you can tell which ones are Greg’s and which are mine.

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Being in a place like New Mexico surrounded by the beauty of it’s landscapes, structures and nature, you understand Georgia O’Keeffe when she said, “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way…things I had no words for.”

Besides our backpacking adventure, we visited the towns of Albuquerque, Taos and, lastly, Santa Fe. Did you know Santa Fe has over 250 art galleries as well as a variety of museums and performing arts? By the end, I’d seen so much raw beauty in nature and in the renderings of so many painters, sculptures, photographers and other craftsmen, I felt full. In fact, gluttonous to the point of feeling selfish. I wanted to share something of my own world before I left their world.

Driving home, I thought of my own little “neck of the woods.” And, in my woods the trees are tall and beautiful and stay green all year. And, the ground is lush with grasses and gardens. We should all be inspired wherever we go and by whatever we see. We should want to come back from our travels and, “Bloom where we are planted.” God created me just the way I am to the family and place I was born. Who am I to argue about anything?

So, the food wasn’t Mexican food I’m accustomed to having in East Texas. The most popular restaurants seemed to be the ones that served “New Mexican,” and your waiter asks if you want red or green chile. It did not disappoint!

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Blog Graduating Seniors News Travel Workshops, Seminars & Talks

Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful

It’s been three years since we visited Park Cities, Utah. In my mind, it’s a city that will always be synonymous with beautiful. Besides its terraced landscape and grandiose vistas, it was clean. I don’t just mean absent of trash on the roadways, but attention-to-detail clean. We’re talking yards mowed, hedges clipped and roads swept. There were no garish signs on poles; in fact, there were few poles of any kind at all. Maybe it was the way the sun set in the sky or, simply, because I was on vacation, but I was happy. It felt like I’d just stepped into the Technicolor “Wizard of Oz.” Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 11.24.00 AM

Until I visited this town, I wouldn’t have imagined how the aesthetics of a city could truly make or break a tourist’s experience. Nacogdoches is home to many tourists each year. Many of them come because of our designation as the Garden Capital of Texas. Our city’s university, businesses, civic groups and many individuals have worked well together to help create that designation. We should be proud of these efforts and for the difference it’s made in our parks, paths, and gardens.

Luke Stanley surrounded by his Eagle Scout project in the SFA garden. The labyrinth was finished spring 2017.
Luke Stanley surrounded by his Eagle Scout project in the SFA garden. The labyrinth was finished spring 2017. (Photo by Greg Patterson, G Patterson Studio & Gallery)
G Patterson Studio owners and volunteers pose with Katie Blevins in recognition of the Nacogdocehes Landscape Leadership Award. (Photo courtesy Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce)
G Patterson Studio owners and volunteers pose with Katie Blevins in recognition of the 2017 Nacogdocehes Landscape Leadership Award. (Photo courtesy Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce)

When I see the improvements to our parks or the flower boxes downtown or the new labyrinth at SFA’s trail system at University Dr. and Starr, I’m inspired to play a part. We recently received the Landscape Leadership award by Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful for the initiative we took in establishing our portrait garden in downtown Nacogdoches. It was bestowed on us due to the efforts made by my parents and other volunteers; it’s because of their concerted efforts, I realize that “many hands make light work.”

If  you want to be part of the change but don’t know what to do or where to go, Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful is a great place to begin. KNB implements programs to clean up litter, reduce and recycle waste, encourage individual responsibility and beautify and enhance the local community. KNB’s volunteers have done this so well they were named a Gold Star Affiliate by Keep Texas Beautiful, a designation conferred on just 66 of KTB’s more than 395 affiliates in 2017. At, you’ll see exactly what they do and many different ways you, or you and your family, or you and your co-workers can get involved.

There’ve been many positive changes made to our city, but noo one will tell you it’s easy. Wouldn’t it be worth it, though, to be able to say, “We’re proud of Nacogdoches and how beautiful it is?” To be the town that everyone else blogs about? I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend but alongside friends helping clean and beautify Nacogdoches. It all starts with you!

Blog Children Events Portrait Sessions

Today in MicroFashion Photography

G Patterson Studio MicroFashion Photography

An idea that was born to the studio earlier this year has continued to spice things up in our mini model department. With the success of our Microfashion {Brick Streets} to kick off the series, we decided the Brick Streets edition was simply the beginning. Adorable kiddos are the heart of our portraits, while their personal style (or, personal styler) is brought to life through their unique portrayals of “microfashion.” From the tutus to the cowboys… The more variety, the better!

Its a newfound love, for us, to see just what these minis dress up in and how their little personalities glow through their portraits.

If you happened to miss the ’51 Chevy Microfashion sessions, fret not. We are planning another edition for September 1 & 2 with a Back2School theme. Check out more MicroFashion on our Facebook page and outfit ideas on our Pinterest board.







Blog Family Portrait Sessions Weddings

A Glorious Wedding

Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
Your wedding is much like standing on a precipice.


One of the biggest privileges we have at our studio is photographing weddings. Over the last thirty years, we’ve photographed countless of them and each one different from the others. Some weddings stick out more than others, for instance when we photograph the wedding of people close to us. A couple of months ago, we did just that. Haley has been working at the studio for two years; in fact, you might have read her wonderfully-worded blog about her engagement. Two years in a small business among just a few employees can seem like a long time of relationship-building, because you share each other’s ups and downs and, in this case, life-changing events. We consider those close relationships a perk to running a small business.

Getting Married…

Getting married for most people must seem as if you’re standing on a precipice, at least if it’s your first. Culling through Haley and Kyle’s wedding pictures and seeing the looks of unabashed joy on their faces is enough to bring tears to my eyes. The more you admit to knowing very little about being married, I think the better. Thinking back to my own wedding thirty years ago, Greg and I, both of us twenty, didn’t know much about life except that we loved each other. Had we known more about the hardships that would come or the dreams we’d give up for one another, we might have called the whole thing off! Knowing so little, for us, proved to be a real asset. We learned as we went along, together! At times, the more experienced of the two of us patiently led the other through a trial. Other times, we both went blind with only each other to cling. There’s been more good times than bad. And, looking back, we consider each one a blessing if only for the fact we came away better for it. This wide-eyed optimism has gotten us through thirty wonderful years together. We pray the same for these two.

Thanks, Kyle and Haley, for letting us come along on the beginning of a great adventure!

Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
Two very blessed people.
Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
The moment after you hear “May I now pronounce you man and wife.”
Blog Events Family News Portrait Sessions

About being engaged

Kyle and Haley engaged and loving it!

“Engage in the little moments, you never know which of those will actually be the big moments,”

There is no possible way to convey to you the magic that was August 15, 2015. Engage your attention with me for a moment. I thought, lying there looking up at the stars, I was simply opening my graduation present from my Kyle. Little did I know that at the bottom of that much desired, fox cookie jar, there would be an art deco engagement ring picked out specifically for….me!?  I was only expecting cookies! Sneaky boy.

There are very few days that are more important to me than August 15. I woke up, I walked the stage, and I celebrated with family and friends. My folks spoiled me like they do, my brother and sister-in-law came to cheer me on, and my best friends even surprised me by driving all the way from Ft. Worth to celebrate! It was unlike any other day, and that was only the beginning. Moving to Nacogdoches from Houston almost four years ago, I never imagined I’d be marrying a BIN(born-in-Nac, if you will) or building a house on 11 acres of fresh air! I suppose it is still too soon to say, but come April 9, I will be a Compton. I will be a wife!?

This engagement has taught me

This engagement has taught me to “engage.” August 15 Kyle proposed and we found ourselves…engaged in a planning process like no other. Engaged to one another, planning to commit the rest of our forever to being together. It has been an absolute blast. We have engaged in planning our big day, we have engaged in Bible study together, we have engaged in planning not simply a wedding, but a life that will build each of us up and result in two better people. Engagement is much more than a ring and a wedding. Though that may seem obvious, it is easy to make the wedding the big event, and not the life you live after that day.They say the stresses come and go. And sure they have come, but when you have someone so supportive, so silly, and so solid to stand by you, it is a real adventure. To find someone who finds the best in you and cherishes every ounce of your flawed self is something irreplaceable. I never expected to find someone who I adore so much, yet slum around with like a best friend. He is like the 3-in-1 shampoo-conditioner-soap… but obviously better. He makes up the best songs, tells the craziest stories, prays with me and for me, and encourages me on the daily. I am richly blessed.

This season of engagement has taught us a lot about each other, ourselves, and has helped us realize how incredibly blessed we are by a wonderful family, church family and so many supportive friends. The people I have met here have become so special to me and I cannot picture a better group of encouragers to be surrounded by. Engaging in this Nac life has been a small slice of heaven!

…not to mention our incredible photographers! Greg and Cindy hired me almost two years ago. Engaging in their business, their work at SFA, and raising three awesome kids seems to come naturally to them. I know it doesn’t. They work hard and they are two prime examples I have been blessed to know. Our parents have put up with Kyle and myself for, well, our entire lives.. now that is perseverance! If only I can invest myself and engage my best in all I do… I’ll know where and who these great qualities come from!

Kyle and Haley engaged with having fun!

Micro Fashion Auditions

What is Micro Fashion?

It’s an idea that sprang out of a Brainstorming session at the studio a few months ago. We were talking about our latest obsessions on Pinterest, and Haley said how much she loved seeing the little kids wearing trendy clothes and striking cute poses. Photographing kids is nothing new for us. We photograph them with their families, with siblings, and alone. We photograph them with the pond and gazebo and, in a “Just 4 Fun” appointment, with bunnies and watermelons.

At the same time, though, we were successfully photographing high school seniors looking really fashionable in their trendy clothes. So, when Haley mentioned kids sporting fashionable clothes, I made the connection and Micro Fashion was born.

In keeping with the theme of our business, we always want to provide simple, yet memorable portraiture, but at the same time, make it a little edgy. In the magazines and on the internet, kids wore harem pants and fedoras. As it were, though, our boutiques in Nacogdoches don’t have much in the way of urban wear for children. Also giving us some issues, the photos’ locales were streets lined with fashionable shops and famous street corners in New York City or the beach or surf shops of L.A. We would use the brick streets of downtown Nacogdoches.

What Nacogdoches does have…the main ingredient to making this work was cute, adorable kids! When it came time to market our first Micro Fashion appointments, we decided to call them “auditions,” as we’d not ever photographed this way before and had no images to share. It’s hard sharing an idea that’s not quite concrete with other people and expect them to jump on board. So, it was really affirming to us that people began booking appointments. When they arrived for their audition, we were thrilled to find kids that were so excited to be a “model.” And, to give the “momagers” their due, they were definitely “swagged” out!

If you’re kicking yourself for missing the last round of Micro Fashion auditions, no worries. We’re doing it again May 12 and 13. Check out more microFashion on our Pinterest page.


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Advertising Blog Events Family Graduating Seniors Links Pets Portrait Sessions

Lacey Stubblefield and Starr

Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket
Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket

Being in business for the last twenty years has given us contacts we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Amanda and her daughter, Lacey, are some of our clients we’ve really enjoyed getting to know. A few months back, Amanda made an appointment for a senior session for her daughter. Besides being a teacher in Groveton and a Young Living consultant, Amanda spends much of her time traveling with her daughter all across Texas to her FFA events and barrel racing competitions. Lacey’s eighteen years belies all the awards and recognitions she’s received; and because she’s also very articulate, I’m going to let her tell you about Starr.

“My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite horse is Starr Lena. Who am I ?  Who is Starr Lena? Well let me explain, I am Lacey Stubblefield, a senior at Groveton High School, and a eight time National Little Britches Rodeo finals qualifier.  Starr Lena is my diva barrel horse. 

Starr Lena and I have a bond like sisters. Sometimes we push each other’s limits but we always love and respect each other.  Starr is my rodeo athlete.  I’m so thankful every time I get to throw a leg over her and ride . 

Starr and I haven’t always had the perfect journey but it has made us who we are. Starr and I have been through many trials together.  Starr was diagnosed with a disease called EPM that took her out of  competition for over a year.  The disease affected her brain and nervous system.  It took time for her to recuperate and we had to learn to trust each other again. Most horses don’t survive from this disease but,  my tough girl did. 

Starr and I are back on the rodeo trail again. Starr loves to take selfies on my phone. She has lots of personality and she is a little Powerball full of energy, but very down to earth. If you ever meet Starr she will leave an impression on you. “

Lacey is not your typical high school senior, and neither is Starr your typical pet. But, many of us have a bond with our pet that we have a hard time describing with words. And, isn’t that what makes it beautiful? If you’ve not had a professional portrait taken with your pet(s), now’s the perfect time. With our “Paws for Pets” special, we’ll donate half of the session price to our local Humane Society. Visit our website or give us a call to schedule portraits of your pet.

Starr, a well-gromed horse
Starr, a well-gromed horse
A bond like sisters
A bond like sisters
Advertising Blog Events Portrait Sessions

Shop Small Saturday

Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.
Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.

Yes, it has the word in the title, but this event is anything but small. It’s a real opportunity for each of us to help the economy grow in Nacogdoches. Have you ever wanted more businesses or restaurants in Nacogdoches? We must frequent those already here; for a company to locate here, they want to see that other like businesses and restaurants are doing well. Still not convinced? Here’s a few more reasons to shop Nacogdoches this holiday season.


  1. It’s convenient! Why spend half your day driving when, instead, you could spend all that time shopping?
    Save on gas! Although gas prices are down, what you can save in gas money could be spent eating out at a nice restaurant.
    2. Lots of shops. The person who says they can’t find anything in Nacogdoches hasn’t seen everything, I would think. Before you go on your next shopping venture, plan to go at least one place you’ve never been. Try to do a search of the items for which you’re looking.
    3. Less crowds. When you stay in Nacogdoches to shop small, you probably won’t battle long lines at the check out, and you certainly won’t have miles to walk to find where you parked your car.
    4. Ease of driving. Traffic around shopping malls in the big cities is horrible during the holidays. Why subject yourself to that when you can take a leisurely stroll through downtown Nacogdoches while shopping.
    5. See your friends! When you shop small in Nacogdoches, chances are you’ll bump elbows with people you know which makes for a really nice shopping trip.
    6. Discounts, discounts, discounts! Shopping downtown this Saturday pays! Visit stores that participate in Small Business Saturday for incentives when you purchase. We will be offering Double Dollars. Spend $75 on gift cards and we will double it! (See studio for details or visit

You can, also, participate in Wassail Fest from 11-4pm that same day! Taste wassail at participating downtown businesses and pick your favorite, us of course!

Blog Children Family Portrait Sessions Tips & Tricks

Fall Fashion

Fall Portrait Clothing Tips from Photographer Greg PattersonFor those of us living in the south, fall means pumpkins, football and family time…much like anywhere else. But, what else we have that they don’t is moderate temperatures which are great for getting in touch with the outdoors once again. Let’s face it, once the long, hot summer is over, we’re tired of being cooped up inside with the a/c. We practically kill for a reason to step away from our desks and breathe in some brisk, humidity-free air.

The all-important questions becomes, “What do I wear when I’m outside seeing and being seen?” In a season where the days’ temps change drastically, really, anything goes. One word of caution would be you don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort when it’s cold. How about wearing layers instead of a bulky coat? For instance, pair a turtleneck with a scarf instead of a cable knit sweater? Guys can wear a blazer instead of a heavy jacket. Wearing a vest and tie for a picture will give you a classy yet casual look.

Okay, so you can’t compromise comfort for looking good? A puffer jacket only looks wrong in a picture if you’re wearing big clothing from head to toe? What about pairing a coat with skinny jeans, or jeans that aren’t too loose fitting? That way you’ll still see some of your shape. Actually, this is really cute! Why not take a look at some of my favorite pins?

Fall Colors to keep in Mind for Family Portraits

Some colors to keep in mind for fall are mustard, slate blue, burgundy, sage, marsala, turquoise, olive green or teal. And, one of my favorites?…orange. It’s not a color easily worn other times of the year! If you’re family’s having pictures taken and you’re afraid of splashing too much or too many different colors, how about a splash of a brighter color on a scarf or beanie or on a tie or the shoes your child would wear?

There are so many options, the name of the game is to just have fun! And, if picture-taking is stressing you out? Remember, those worry lines on your face can look far worse than a couple of extra pounds on the waist. It’s better to just go with it!

Free Consultation with a Professional

One of the benefits of scheduling with a true professional is being able to meet and talk about your session prior to the session. We LOVE when clients come in for our FREE no obligation consultation and we can certainly guide you in what to wear for fall family pictures. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet potential clients while answering questions and showing off everything we have to offer a G Patterson Photographic Studio & Gallery.

Interested in a fall family portrait just in time for Christmas? Give us a call at 936-569-7116 or checkout some more of our work on our website, Pinterest or Facebook.