Babies Blog Children Family Graduating Seniors Pets Portrait Sessions Rambling Self-exploration Weddings

Bah, humbug!

It’s not that I don’t like the Christmas season, I’d rather focus on the Christmas reason, you know, the why we do all of this. I’ve had the Christmases that were perfect, with everyone unwrapping all that they asked for, the cooked-to-perfection meal for twenty, and the decorations that could make the spread in “Home and Gardens.” All of that takes lots of shopping and planning for what to buy, and it’s so stressful! And to be honest, I’m just not a big shopper. I know I stand in stark contrast to the many people who live for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I don’t pore through on-line ads or those in the newspaper. My nickname could be “make do”, because I’m fine with last year’s styles (and in some cases, last decade’s styles), and I love repurposing things. My husband would tell you it takes me longer scraping the last of the contents from this bottle or that than it would to go out and buy a new one.

I’m probably an offense to every red-blooded Amansfield_2893merican girl who shops for the sake of shopping.  Forget window shopping; I’m more like a guy when I shop. As soon as I see what I need, I bag and tag it and move to the next store! I abhor clutter, whether it’s in my home, car or even on my computer. I’ve never collected knickknacks, though I think they’re really pretty in other people’s homes.

One thing I don’t mind having a lot of or spending time shopping for are pictures. Pictures on the wall, in albums, on blankets and pillows, and even on my coffee mugs! Pictures for myself and those I buy for others. I like pictures of all kinds, my kids in school, my family on vacation or enjoying the holidays or ones depicting our everyday lives. Pictures that show us happy, sad or melancholy. They help me remember what we were doing this time last year, five years ago, twenty years ago, or in the case of my parents’ pictures, a lifetime ago. When I look at pictures of me and my loved ones, it helps me to remember who I am and what’s important to me. They preserve our memories and remind us how grateful we are for one another.

I’ll make no excuses for not having the most brightly lit house on the street this year, because I’ll be reminiscing over pictures from Christmases past and remembering what’s really important to me. That brings me back to the real reason why we put so much focus on this day of the year. The day Jesus entered this world, nothing would be the same. It set into motion a plan that from the beginning made a way for us to be saved. Christ alone is the one who saves; this is nothing we can do for ourselves. John 3:16 says, “For God so loves the world, that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting lmansfield_2893ife.”

Blog Children Events Portrait Sessions

Today in MicroFashion Photography

G Patterson Studio MicroFashion Photography

An idea that was born to the studio earlier this year has continued to spice things up in our mini model department. With the success of our Microfashion {Brick Streets} to kick off the series, we decided the Brick Streets edition was simply the beginning. Adorable kiddos are the heart of our portraits, while their personal style (or, personal styler) is brought to life through their unique portrayals of “microfashion.” From the tutus to the cowboys… The more variety, the better!

Its a newfound love, for us, to see just what these minis dress up in and how their little personalities glow through their portraits.

If you happened to miss the ’51 Chevy Microfashion sessions, fret not. We are planning another edition for September 1 & 2 with a Back2School theme. Check out more MicroFashion on our Facebook page and outfit ideas on our Pinterest board.







Blog Family Portrait Sessions Weddings

A Glorious Wedding

Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
Your wedding is much like standing on a precipice.


One of the biggest privileges we have at our studio is photographing weddings. Over the last thirty years, we’ve photographed countless of them and each one different from the others. Some weddings stick out more than others, for instance when we photograph the wedding of people close to us. A couple of months ago, we did just that. Haley has been working at the studio for two years; in fact, you might have read her wonderfully-worded blog about her engagement. Two years in a small business among just a few employees can seem like a long time of relationship-building, because you share each other’s ups and downs and, in this case, life-changing events. We consider those close relationships a perk to running a small business.

Getting Married…

Getting married for most people must seem as if you’re standing on a precipice, at least if it’s your first. Culling through Haley and Kyle’s wedding pictures and seeing the looks of unabashed joy on their faces is enough to bring tears to my eyes. The more you admit to knowing very little about being married, I think the better. Thinking back to my own wedding thirty years ago, Greg and I, both of us twenty, didn’t know much about life except that we loved each other. Had we known more about the hardships that would come or the dreams we’d give up for one another, we might have called the whole thing off! Knowing so little, for us, proved to be a real asset. We learned as we went along, together! At times, the more experienced of the two of us patiently led the other through a trial. Other times, we both went blind with only each other to cling. There’s been more good times than bad. And, looking back, we consider each one a blessing if only for the fact we came away better for it. This wide-eyed optimism has gotten us through thirty wonderful years together. We pray the same for these two.

Thanks, Kyle and Haley, for letting us come along on the beginning of a great adventure!

Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
Two very blessed people.
Nacogdoches wedding photographer Greg Patterson at Union Springs venue in Garrison.
The moment after you hear “May I now pronounce you man and wife.”
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Lacey Stubblefield and Starr

Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket
Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket

Being in business for the last twenty years has given us contacts we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Amanda and her daughter, Lacey, are some of our clients we’ve really enjoyed getting to know. A few months back, Amanda made an appointment for a senior session for her daughter. Besides being a teacher in Groveton and a Young Living consultant, Amanda spends much of her time traveling with her daughter all across Texas to her FFA events and barrel racing competitions. Lacey’s eighteen years belies all the awards and recognitions she’s received; and because she’s also very articulate, I’m going to let her tell you about Starr.

“My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite horse is Starr Lena. Who am I ?  Who is Starr Lena? Well let me explain, I am Lacey Stubblefield, a senior at Groveton High School, and a eight time National Little Britches Rodeo finals qualifier.  Starr Lena is my diva barrel horse. 

Starr Lena and I have a bond like sisters. Sometimes we push each other’s limits but we always love and respect each other.  Starr is my rodeo athlete.  I’m so thankful every time I get to throw a leg over her and ride . 

Starr and I haven’t always had the perfect journey but it has made us who we are. Starr and I have been through many trials together.  Starr was diagnosed with a disease called EPM that took her out of  competition for over a year.  The disease affected her brain and nervous system.  It took time for her to recuperate and we had to learn to trust each other again. Most horses don’t survive from this disease but,  my tough girl did. 

Starr and I are back on the rodeo trail again. Starr loves to take selfies on my phone. She has lots of personality and she is a little Powerball full of energy, but very down to earth. If you ever meet Starr she will leave an impression on you. “

Lacey is not your typical high school senior, and neither is Starr your typical pet. But, many of us have a bond with our pet that we have a hard time describing with words. And, isn’t that what makes it beautiful? If you’ve not had a professional portrait taken with your pet(s), now’s the perfect time. With our “Paws for Pets” special, we’ll donate half of the session price to our local Humane Society. Visit our website or give us a call to schedule portraits of your pet.

Starr, a well-gromed horse
Starr, a well-gromed horse
A bond like sisters
A bond like sisters