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Shop Small Saturday

Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.
Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.

Yes, it has the word in the title, but this event is anything but small. It’s a real opportunity for each of us to help the economy grow in Nacogdoches. Have you ever wanted more businesses or restaurants in Nacogdoches? We must frequent those already here; for a company to locate here, they want to see that other like businesses and restaurants are doing well. Still not convinced? Here’s a few more reasons to shop Nacogdoches this holiday season.


  1. It’s convenient! Why spend half your day driving when, instead, you could spend all that time shopping?
    Save on gas! Although gas prices are down, what you can save in gas money could be spent eating out at a nice restaurant.
    2. Lots of shops. The person who says they can’t find anything in Nacogdoches hasn’t seen everything, I would think. Before you go on your next shopping venture, plan to go at least one place you’ve never been. Try to do a search of the items for which you’re looking.
    3. Less crowds. When you stay in Nacogdoches to shop small, you probably won’t battle long lines at the check out, and you certainly won’t have miles to walk to find where you parked your car.
    4. Ease of driving. Traffic around shopping malls in the big cities is horrible during the holidays. Why subject yourself to that when you can take a leisurely stroll through downtown Nacogdoches while shopping.
    5. See your friends! When you shop small in Nacogdoches, chances are you’ll bump elbows with people you know which makes for a really nice shopping trip.
    6. Discounts, discounts, discounts! Shopping downtown this Saturday pays! Visit stores that participate in Small Business Saturday for incentives when you purchase. We will be offering Double Dollars. Spend $75 on gift cards and we will double it! (See studio for details or visit

You can, also, participate in Wassail Fest from 11-4pm that same day! Taste wassail at participating downtown businesses and pick your favorite, us of course!

Blog Children Family Portrait Sessions Tips & Tricks

Fall Fashion

Fall Portrait Clothing Tips from Photographer Greg PattersonFor those of us living in the south, fall means pumpkins, football and family time…much like anywhere else. But, what else we have that they don’t is moderate temperatures which are great for getting in touch with the outdoors once again. Let’s face it, once the long, hot summer is over, we’re tired of being cooped up inside with the a/c. We practically kill for a reason to step away from our desks and breathe in some brisk, humidity-free air.

The all-important questions becomes, “What do I wear when I’m outside seeing and being seen?” In a season where the days’ temps change drastically, really, anything goes. One word of caution would be you don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort when it’s cold. How about wearing layers instead of a bulky coat? For instance, pair a turtleneck with a scarf instead of a cable knit sweater? Guys can wear a blazer instead of a heavy jacket. Wearing a vest and tie for a picture will give you a classy yet casual look.

Okay, so you can’t compromise comfort for looking good? A puffer jacket only looks wrong in a picture if you’re wearing big clothing from head to toe? What about pairing a coat with skinny jeans, or jeans that aren’t too loose fitting? That way you’ll still see some of your shape. Actually, this is really cute! Why not take a look at some of my favorite pins?

Fall Colors to keep in Mind for Family Portraits

Some colors to keep in mind for fall are mustard, slate blue, burgundy, sage, marsala, turquoise, olive green or teal. And, one of my favorites?…orange. It’s not a color easily worn other times of the year! If you’re family’s having pictures taken and you’re afraid of splashing too much or too many different colors, how about a splash of a brighter color on a scarf or beanie or on a tie or the shoes your child would wear?

There are so many options, the name of the game is to just have fun! And, if picture-taking is stressing you out? Remember, those worry lines on your face can look far worse than a couple of extra pounds on the waist. It’s better to just go with it!

Free Consultation with a Professional

One of the benefits of scheduling with a true professional is being able to meet and talk about your session prior to the session. We LOVE when clients come in for our FREE no obligation consultation and we can certainly guide you in what to wear for fall family pictures. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet potential clients while answering questions and showing off everything we have to offer a G Patterson Photographic Studio & Gallery.

Interested in a fall family portrait just in time for Christmas? Give us a call at 936-569-7116 or checkout some more of our work on our website, Pinterest or Facebook.

Blog Children

School pictures

Twenty-one years ago when we got started in the “biz,” no one could’ve told us we would one day be school photographers. But such is life, and we haven’t regretted it one bit! It’s rewarding getting out in the community to provide a valuable service, for us photography. We’ve gotten to know families we might have not have had the chance to know otherwise. And, having someone tell us the school pictures and photography we take are so much better than your “typical” school pictures is certainly fun to hear!

We get used to cowlicks and the missing teeth. Also adorable are the girls that wear a kazillion necklaces or when ten out of the twelve girls in the class have on a kitten t-shirt.  Never is it more fun, though, than when something takes us by surprise. It’s always smart to keep your humor about yourself, especially when you have one like this student at Tanglewood Learning Center last week. To the older ones who make such a face, I like to tell them that’s the pose for the yearbook. That’s when they make the funny face!


Interested in us photographing your school pictures?

If you have kids at one of our local area school, consider asking the school if they would consider using our services. We would be glad to provide them with a competitive quote. And if you work at one of our area schools and wonder if we can provide all of the services other “larger” companies provide, rest assured that not only can we provide these services but surpass their quality and service.

School portraits and pictures often show some great funny faces. As a Nacogdoches photographer we love to see kids having fun and also love to photograph these great expressions. School portraits and pictures often show some great funny faces. As a Nacogdoches photographer we love to see kids having fun and also love to photograph these great expressions.

Blog Rambling Running/Recreation Self-exploration self-help

For those of you who still think losing weight will make you happy

When Meghan Trainor came on the scene with her hit, “It’s All About the Bass,” denouncing those that would judge another because of their weight, we were all in enthusiastic agreement. To be honest, though, we size people up every day based on all kinds of things from how much money we make to where someone attends college. Retailers devote a lot of their budget to find out where you shop and what drives your shopping choices. We answer questions everyday about people using our inferential powers, so what can you do when someone labels you “fat” or “overweight”? There may not be anything you can do about how others treat you according to the way you look, but what if you could respond in a positive way?

Answer the following questions to find out if you’re affected by how others see you:

1. Have you ever tried on an outfit that you loved on the rack until you put it on and decided it’d look better on someone else?
2. Have you ever declined that first helping of dessert because everyone else at the table was thinner than you?
3. Have you ever thought about putting something important or fun off until you lose some weight?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions, it might be time for a change, but not the kind you’re thinking about.

We’ve all heard stories of someone who lost the weight they’d been hoping to lose for a long time, only to find they were just as unhappy as they were before they lost the weight? How realistic is it to think that making a change on the outside could change how we feel on the inside that much? If you want to be truly happy, try making these changes instead.

Don’t look to others to make you happy; they’ll always let you down. Have you held onto resentment, anger, hurt and bitterness because of what another person said or did to you? Do forgive and forget, and you’ll begin to help you heal by replacing those feelings with something positive like treating others with kindness. By praising another person or just listening to them, you gain power, and you may gain another friend.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Most of what we worry about are either things that won’t matter in a day or next week, or they’re things we can’t change. Do give thanks. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. Doing so helps you maintain stress, gives you happier moods and greater optimism.

You may say, “You wouldn’t believe the problems I face.” But, you’ll always have failures in life, that’s a given. You can change the way you see them. Don’t make excuses by blaming others for your problems; doing so means you’ll unlikely be able to overcome them. Happy people take responsibility for their mistakes. Why not see your problem as a challenge to make a positive change in your life?

It’s true, there are some things out of your control. But, focus on the things you can. Waking up at the same time every morning enhances productivity and focus, especially if you’re taking the time to pray and meditate. Eating well by avoiding junk foods or processed foods can prime your body and brain to be in a focused, happy state. When I’m grocery shopping, I keep in mind that the healthier foods are found along the walls of the store. Shop for fruits and vegetables, dairy and cheese, and meats and seafood around the perimeter of the store. Exercising every day will enhance your frame of mind and reduce stress. By doing something you know makes you healthier, your can’t help by becoming happier!

G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.