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Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful

It’s been three years since we visited Park Cities, Utah. In my mind, it’s a city that will always be synonymous with beautiful. Besides its terraced landscape and grandiose vistas, it was clean. I don’t just mean absent of trash on the roadways, but attention-to-detail clean. We’re talking yards mowed, hedges clipped and roads swept. There were no garish signs on poles; in fact, there were few poles of any kind at all. Maybe it was the way the sun set in the sky or, simply, because I was on vacation, but I was happy. It felt like I’d just stepped into the Technicolor “Wizard of Oz.” Screen Shot 2017-07-03 at 11.24.00 AM

Until I visited this town, I wouldn’t have imagined how the aesthetics of a city could truly make or break a tourist’s experience. Nacogdoches is home to many tourists each year. Many of them come because of our designation as the Garden Capital of Texas. Our city’s university, businesses, civic groups and many individuals have worked well together to help create that designation. We should be proud of these efforts and for the difference it’s made in our parks, paths, and gardens.

Luke Stanley surrounded by his Eagle Scout project in the SFA garden. The labyrinth was finished spring 2017.
Luke Stanley surrounded by his Eagle Scout project in the SFA garden. The labyrinth was finished spring 2017. (Photo by Greg Patterson, G Patterson Studio & Gallery)
G Patterson Studio owners and volunteers pose with Katie Blevins in recognition of the Nacogdocehes Landscape Leadership Award. (Photo courtesy Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce)
G Patterson Studio owners and volunteers pose with Katie Blevins in recognition of the 2017 Nacogdocehes Landscape Leadership Award. (Photo courtesy Nacogdoches Chamber of Commerce)

When I see the improvements to our parks or the flower boxes downtown or the new labyrinth at SFA’s trail system at University Dr. and Starr, I’m inspired to play a part. We recently received the Landscape Leadership award by Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful for the initiative we took in establishing our portrait garden in downtown Nacogdoches. It was bestowed on us due to the efforts made by my parents and other volunteers; it’s because of their concerted efforts, I realize that “many hands make light work.”

If  you want to be part of the change but don’t know what to do or where to go, Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful is a great place to begin. KNB implements programs to clean up litter, reduce and recycle waste, encourage individual responsibility and beautify and enhance the local community. KNB’s volunteers have done this so well they were named a Gold Star Affiliate by Keep Texas Beautiful, a designation conferred on just 66 of KTB’s more than 395 affiliates in 2017. At, you’ll see exactly what they do and many different ways you, or you and your family, or you and your co-workers can get involved.

There’ve been many positive changes made to our city, but noo one will tell you it’s easy. Wouldn’t it be worth it, though, to be able to say, “We’re proud of Nacogdoches and how beautiful it is?” To be the town that everyone else blogs about? I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend but alongside friends helping clean and beautify Nacogdoches. It all starts with you!

Blog Events Family News Portrait Sessions

About being engaged

Kyle and Haley engaged and loving it!

“Engage in the little moments, you never know which of those will actually be the big moments,”

There is no possible way to convey to you the magic that was August 15, 2015. Engage your attention with me for a moment. I thought, lying there looking up at the stars, I was simply opening my graduation present from my Kyle. Little did I know that at the bottom of that much desired, fox cookie jar, there would be an art deco engagement ring picked out specifically for….me!?  I was only expecting cookies! Sneaky boy.

There are very few days that are more important to me than August 15. I woke up, I walked the stage, and I celebrated with family and friends. My folks spoiled me like they do, my brother and sister-in-law came to cheer me on, and my best friends even surprised me by driving all the way from Ft. Worth to celebrate! It was unlike any other day, and that was only the beginning. Moving to Nacogdoches from Houston almost four years ago, I never imagined I’d be marrying a BIN(born-in-Nac, if you will) or building a house on 11 acres of fresh air! I suppose it is still too soon to say, but come April 9, I will be a Compton. I will be a wife!?

This engagement has taught me

This engagement has taught me to “engage.” August 15 Kyle proposed and we found ourselves…engaged in a planning process like no other. Engaged to one another, planning to commit the rest of our forever to being together. It has been an absolute blast. We have engaged in planning our big day, we have engaged in Bible study together, we have engaged in planning not simply a wedding, but a life that will build each of us up and result in two better people. Engagement is much more than a ring and a wedding. Though that may seem obvious, it is easy to make the wedding the big event, and not the life you live after that day.They say the stresses come and go. And sure they have come, but when you have someone so supportive, so silly, and so solid to stand by you, it is a real adventure. To find someone who finds the best in you and cherishes every ounce of your flawed self is something irreplaceable. I never expected to find someone who I adore so much, yet slum around with like a best friend. He is like the 3-in-1 shampoo-conditioner-soap… but obviously better. He makes up the best songs, tells the craziest stories, prays with me and for me, and encourages me on the daily. I am richly blessed.

This season of engagement has taught us a lot about each other, ourselves, and has helped us realize how incredibly blessed we are by a wonderful family, church family and so many supportive friends. The people I have met here have become so special to me and I cannot picture a better group of encouragers to be surrounded by. Engaging in this Nac life has been a small slice of heaven!

…not to mention our incredible photographers! Greg and Cindy hired me almost two years ago. Engaging in their business, their work at SFA, and raising three awesome kids seems to come naturally to them. I know it doesn’t. They work hard and they are two prime examples I have been blessed to know. Our parents have put up with Kyle and myself for, well, our entire lives.. now that is perseverance! If only I can invest myself and engage my best in all I do… I’ll know where and who these great qualities come from!

Kyle and Haley engaged with having fun!
Blog Children Events Family Portrait Sessions Rambling

Our Portrait Garden’s 10 Year Transformation

Current image of the private portrait garden of G. Patterson Studio
Current image of the private portrait garden of G. Patterson Studio
10 year old image of the garden before it was the garden.
10 year old image of the garden before it was the garden.
10 year old image of the pond before it was the pond.
10 year old image of the pond before it was the pond.

To our friends of the studio, you are certainly familiar with our private portrait garden.  We try to use it in some creative way for every session.  Hopefully, you would agree that it is one of  the little treasures of Nacogdoches.  To those that have not had the pleasure of a family or children portrait session in the garden, I am confident that you will be amazed.  With greenery and colorful blooms almost year round, pond and waterfall, gazebo and swing, stone walkways and pergola, our garden provides an endless variety of gorgeous portrait backgrounds and settings.  Upon seeing our garden for the first time, clients will often “oooh” and “aaah” and exclaim that they never knew this beautiful scene was tucked away in downtown’s back yard.

The garden is wonderful, of course, but it is also a labor of love.  Much thoughtful planning went into the initial design and layout of the garden.  And countless hours go into maintaining it day after day, year after year.  I would be remiss to not mention Cindy’s father, Harry, who pours seemingly every spare minute he has into manicuring the plants.  He does an incredible job and we are all thankful.  Greg and Cindy and their children also contribute their fair share to this effort.  Luckily, we don’t ask our clients to join in the yard work.  You get to sit back and enjoy the hard labor that provides fairytale-like beauty.

Looking at these old photos, it’s hard to believe so much has changed in 10 years.  We are so blessed to be able to offer this unique benefit to our clients.  I hope that you come by to see our private portrait garden some time soon.  It is jaw-droppingly amazing in April and May.  Bring the family.  You’ll be glad you did.

-Daryl Sparks

Blog Children Family Rambling

The Blooms are Coming!

Colorful blooms abound in Nacogdoches as springtime awakens after a cold winter.
Colorful blooms abound in Nacogdoches as springtime awakens after a cold winter.

Winter is a confusing season here in Nacogdoches.  It seems like half the time we are covering our plants with sheets and wrapping our pipes to keep it all from freezing.  Then, the other half of the time we are wearing shorts and drinking ice tea as we rake our lawns.  I compare it to the “He loves me, he loves me not” ritual of little girls as they pull individual petals off of a daisy.  “Today it’s freezing, tomorrow it’s hot.  Today is 20 degrees, tomorrow is not.”  Last night brought some pretty chilly air, but it will be back up into the 70’s before you know it.

No matter the sporadic weather patterns, spring always seems to arrive in East Texas, bursting with a brilliant kaleidoscope of color.  Already the trees are budding and blooming, flowers along the roadside are pushing up, and the azaleas will be close behind.  Nacogdoches in springtime is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful, color-rich places in the country.  This will be our first spring as the Garden Capital of Texas, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.  We are so blessed to be right in the middle of such abundant beauty.  I will be taking many an opportunity to enjoy the SFA Arboretum and Ruby M. Mize Azalea Garden, as well as enjoying my own personal azaleas. It just instantly puts me in a better mood.

So hang in there! I’m certain we have some more whacky weather ahead of us, but just close your eyes and remember that the blooms are coming.  And what a wonderful sight it will be to open your eyes when they have come.