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Memories of bunnies

2014 Bunnies at Greg Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
2014 Bunnies at Greg Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.

A Magical Combination…

Since we opened our doors twenty years ago, we’ve had a lot of good ideas come and go. Though our focus has always been to provide lifestyle portraiture that makes you “feel” something, we’ve always tried to keep things fresh and in keeping with today’s trends. Making elaborate sets for one person for one hour was never our style, but could we decorate a set for many clients over a short number of days? We’ve always had great success photographing children, so we began using the holidays as an excuse to do something a little more fun! We began with the Easter holiday and bunnies, because…well, do I really need to explain it? Children with bunnies is a magical combination.

2011 Bunnies at Greg Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
2011 Bunnies at G. Patterson Studio.

There’s a huge element of unpredictability when photographing animals, but that’s what makes for a great photo session! Just when you have all your subjects, both kids and bunnies, looking in the general vicinity of your camera, the bunny hops off. Or, it could be the child scooting out of the scene, because come to find out, they’re afraid of rabbits! Photographing with rabbits, means you’re constantly picking up little pellets that look like their food, but they’re not. And, once, we had a rabbit bite a child, but that was just once. And than, of course, you may have two rabbits acting amorous all of a sudden, and you have to explain that’s just their way of playing, because that’s a conversation better left for the parents to have with them.

They’ve come with many names attached to them, but “Payday” has stuck with me, because of the number of years we used him. He was a beautiful big flop-eared rabbit that was so gentle and not easily spooked. Children would remember him from one Easter to the next, and were always happy to see him. Tracy Steinhauser and her two, Kasy and Keelan, were instrumental in keeping us in stock every Easter. We knew if our rabbits came from them, they’d be groomed and well cared for. Each of our three children were photographed with the bunnies. Our daughter, now 28 years, loved the bunny sessions so much, she even posed as a teen with her best friend and the bunnies. Our sons were a little less enthused. We even acquired a couple rabbits of our own at one point and would allow them to play in the backyard with the cats.

Since that Time…

2013 Bunnies at G Patterson Studio.
2013 Bunnies at G Patterson Studio.

Since that time, we’ve had many more of these types of sessions designed around a theme or holiday. We’ve had Santa for Christmas, pumpkins at Halloween, watermelons for Independence Day. For these children’s session we’ve used titles like “Gone Fishin’,” ”Puppy Love,” ”In the Attic,” ”Tea Party,” ”Little Guys in Ties,” and ”Mom & Me,” to name a few.

All of these “mini” sessions over the years serve to create fond memories for us at the studio. Our favorite remembrances, though, come from the sessions with the bunnies. They take a little more time and effort, but they’re always worth it!

Just4Fun is the title we give these specially designed sessions. They’re just for kids and just fifteen minutes long. We provide viewing at the time of your session, and our packages are offered at a discount. If you’re interested in our “Easter Bunnies” Just4Fun session, visit

2008 Bunny portraits at G Patterson Studio.
2008 Bunny portraits at G Patterson Studio.
Blog Children

School pictures

Twenty-one years ago when we got started in the “biz,” no one could’ve told us we would one day be school photographers. But such is life, and we haven’t regretted it one bit! It’s rewarding getting out in the community to provide a valuable service, for us photography. We’ve gotten to know families we might have not have had the chance to know otherwise. And, having someone tell us the school pictures and photography we take are so much better than your “typical” school pictures is certainly fun to hear!

We get used to cowlicks and the missing teeth. Also adorable are the girls that wear a kazillion necklaces or when ten out of the twelve girls in the class have on a kitten t-shirt.  Never is it more fun, though, than when something takes us by surprise. It’s always smart to keep your humor about yourself, especially when you have one like this student at Tanglewood Learning Center last week. To the older ones who make such a face, I like to tell them that’s the pose for the yearbook. That’s when they make the funny face!


Interested in us photographing your school pictures?

If you have kids at one of our local area school, consider asking the school if they would consider using our services. We would be glad to provide them with a competitive quote. And if you work at one of our area schools and wonder if we can provide all of the services other “larger” companies provide, rest assured that not only can we provide these services but surpass their quality and service.

School portraits and pictures often show some great funny faces. As a Nacogdoches photographer we love to see kids having fun and also love to photograph these great expressions. School portraits and pictures often show some great funny faces. As a Nacogdoches photographer we love to see kids having fun and also love to photograph these great expressions.

Blog Rambling Running/Recreation Self-exploration self-help

For those of you who still think losing weight will make you happy

When Meghan Trainor came on the scene with her hit, “It’s All About the Bass,” denouncing those that would judge another because of their weight, we were all in enthusiastic agreement. To be honest, though, we size people up every day based on all kinds of things from how much money we make to where someone attends college. Retailers devote a lot of their budget to find out where you shop and what drives your shopping choices. We answer questions everyday about people using our inferential powers, so what can you do when someone labels you “fat” or “overweight”? There may not be anything you can do about how others treat you according to the way you look, but what if you could respond in a positive way?

Answer the following questions to find out if you’re affected by how others see you:

1. Have you ever tried on an outfit that you loved on the rack until you put it on and decided it’d look better on someone else?
2. Have you ever declined that first helping of dessert because everyone else at the table was thinner than you?
3. Have you ever thought about putting something important or fun off until you lose some weight?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions, it might be time for a change, but not the kind you’re thinking about.

We’ve all heard stories of someone who lost the weight they’d been hoping to lose for a long time, only to find they were just as unhappy as they were before they lost the weight? How realistic is it to think that making a change on the outside could change how we feel on the inside that much? If you want to be truly happy, try making these changes instead.

Don’t look to others to make you happy; they’ll always let you down. Have you held onto resentment, anger, hurt and bitterness because of what another person said or did to you? Do forgive and forget, and you’ll begin to help you heal by replacing those feelings with something positive like treating others with kindness. By praising another person or just listening to them, you gain power, and you may gain another friend.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Most of what we worry about are either things that won’t matter in a day or next week, or they’re things we can’t change. Do give thanks. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. Doing so helps you maintain stress, gives you happier moods and greater optimism.

You may say, “You wouldn’t believe the problems I face.” But, you’ll always have failures in life, that’s a given. You can change the way you see them. Don’t make excuses by blaming others for your problems; doing so means you’ll unlikely be able to overcome them. Happy people take responsibility for their mistakes. Why not see your problem as a challenge to make a positive change in your life?

It’s true, there are some things out of your control. But, focus on the things you can. Waking up at the same time every morning enhances productivity and focus, especially if you’re taking the time to pray and meditate. Eating well by avoiding junk foods or processed foods can prime your body and brain to be in a focused, happy state. When I’m grocery shopping, I keep in mind that the healthier foods are found along the walls of the store. Shop for fruits and vegetables, dairy and cheese, and meats and seafood around the perimeter of the store. Exercising every day will enhance your frame of mind and reduce stress. By doing something you know makes you healthier, your can’t help by becoming happier!

G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
Blog Weddings

How will you tell your love story?

Wedding storybook album spread of bride and groom by G. Patterson Studio.
Wedding storybook album spread of bride and groom by G. Patterson Studio.

Summertime is wedding season!  We’ve had so many walk-ins and phone calls from brides and mother’s of the bride during the past few months, it seems like everyone is in love and getting married.

There are love stories to unfold… and then be told… and retold.

The photographer’s story is not so much a love story as… well… a story of anxiety, excitement, fatigue, joy, nostalgia, hope, and stress.  As a photographer, a wedding brings with it a mixture of emotions for sure.  We’re genuinely thrilled for the happy couple, but we simultaneously realize the gravity of the situation.  When photographing a wedding, emotions and stress levels are already red-lining.  Add to that the daunting task of getting the shot right the first time…. because the first time is often the only chance you will have.  The day of the wedding, we put our game faces on, and pray that a thousand different people running around doing a thousand different things miraculously comes together at just the right moment in just the right way… and we are there to capture it all.

But enough about the photographer.  It’s the bride and groom’s love story that is the one worth telling.

A few weeks ago, Greg Patterson and his wife Cindy photographed my baby brother’s wedding.  The day included the usual happy tears, nervous hand wringing, goofy characters, loving reunions, and friendly fair wells.  The bride was beautiful and my brother was beaming with joy.  Rings and vows were exchanged without incident.  It was a beautiful day.  And then, somehow, the day that took months to plan was over in the blink of an eye.

“I thought you were going to tell me a love story,” you say.  Well, this love story will be told the same way we tell all our other love stories…  Photographs delicately arranged in a stunning “Storybook Album” that tells of nervous anticipation, hopeful expectations, overflowing hearts, divine union, thoughtful commitment and the details that connect one moment with the next.  The compilation of my brother’s wedding love story is not yet complete, but is well on its way.  I’ve included a glimpse of some of his story’s pages.

Wedding storybook album spread of bride and groom exchanging notes before seeing each other.
Wedding storybook album spread of bride and groom exchanging notes before seeing each other.
Wedding storybook album spread of groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle.
Wedding storybook album spread of groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle.

To take a look at some of the other love stories we have had the honor of telling, visit

Blog Children Family Rambling Tips & Tricks

Hey now! It’s not as bad as it sounds.

"Photographers are violent people. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall."
“Photographers are violent people. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall.”

I love this quote.  I wish I knew the author so I could compliment them on their wittiness.

Truth be told, when you’re in the hands of a true professional, a photographer is anything but violent.  If anything, a photographer, as well as the photo session, should be FUN, EXCITING, MEMORABLE … and above all – PAINLESS.  At least, that’s how we feel.

A family of four enjoying a reality moment as parents laugh and kids run around.
A family of four enjoying a reality moment as parents laugh and kids run around.

We are often asked what age child is the hardest to photograph.  My response is always the same, “a 40 year old man.”  Kids are easy… OK, most kids are easy.  If you get down on their level and play with them, you’ll have an instant buddy.  Moms are the best.  They are usually the ones coordinating the whole shindig, so they are a photographer’s greatest ally.  Dads, on the other hand, take a little more finesse.  But if we get them talking about their latest fishing or hunting exploit, or maybe last night’s game, then he stops thinking about the camera and starts having fun.

A photographer might seem a bit intimidating (or even violent) to those that have never had professional photos taken, but I assure you that anyone who visits our studio is in for a treat.  Our goal is for all who enter our studio as clients leave as friends.  And that won’t happen unless we show you a good time.

We’d love to show your family a good time and exactly how painless a professional portrait session can be.

Blog Family Travel

About a boy

Nathan Patterson sits in the shelter of a rock.
Nathan Patterson sits in the shelter of a rock.

No, this isn’t a movie review; it’s about my son. He’s at camp this week, and, boy, was I looking forward to some time away from him. I had become fed up with putting up with his “teenagerness.” I know that’s not a word, but every parent with a teenager knows that’s synonymous with lazy, selfish, withdrawn and moody.

Photos of Cindy and family in Zion National Park in Utah
Photos of Cindy and family in Zion National Park in Utah

But, this week while he was gone, I was going to use the time to devise a plan to “fix” him. As my thoughts turned to the things I could do to change him, I began wondering what he might be doing right now, maybe eating breakfast? Maybe tidying up his tent? At least he wouldn’t be playing a video game. So, how could I keep him from playing them so much when he got back? That seemed to be a constant struggle between the two of us.

I began thinking about how he had helped with VBS at our church the week before. And, before that, hadn’t he participated in a missions project? All of this, without complaining? I began missing him and wondering why I couldn’t feel so favorably toward him when we were together. Maybe our strained relationship had more to do with me than with him. I could be critical to the point where I begin feeding my own negativity. In my mind, I had him going from video game-playing teenager to college dropout living on skid row overnight.

I’m excited, now, about him coming home, because I feel that it’s not too late to work on our relationship. I’m going to practice positive thinking every day, so I can recognize when a negative thought enters my mind. Yes, he is growing up fast, but that should not make me fearful. These upcoming years could be some of the best ones of his life! And, I might just have a little something to do with that.

Blog Rambling

The Joys of Owning Your Own Business

Greg Patterson cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.

One of my absolute favorite aspects of our portrait garden and surrounding property is our GINORMOUS pecan tree.  Years ago, an arborist (a tree expert) visited and said that it was one of the largest and oldest pecan trees he had ever seen.  Pecan trees are familiar to everyone in the Nacogdoches area, but this one is special.  Every year it produces bucket loads of wonderful pecans, and it consistently provides a beautiful backdrop for outdoor photos.

The rub is that pecan trees are “self-pruning,” meaning they drop branches like crazy.  When the winds came through yesterday, it was just too much for one of the ol’ girl’s bigger branches.  So Greg and his father in law Harry have been dutifully chopping and hauling pecan branches all morning.

Nothing worth having comes easy.  The portrait garden and studio may need sweat and elbow grease from time to time, but the benefits are so worth it.

Greg Patterson gathers limbs as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson gathers limbs as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson hauls away limbs as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson hauls away limbs as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson smiles for the camera as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Greg Patterson smiles for the camera as he cleans up a large fallen pecan branch at his portrait studio in Nacogdoches.
Blog Family Portrait Sessions

Is there a better way to start your day?

The Middlebrook Family plays instruments for their family portraits by Greg Patterson.
The Middlebrook Family plays instruments for their family portraits by Greg Patterson.

Amy Middlebrook is sure to be one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.  Her nature is pure and genuine, and she is a delight to be near.  So when she called and asked Greg to capture photos of her family, we jumped at the opportunity.

Like with our other clients, we first asked Amy if there was something in particular she had in mind for the portrait.  She mentioned that her family was musical and enjoyed getting together from time to time to just strum a little.  Could we photograph something that captured this aspect of her family?  Of course the answer was “yes,” and the wheels in Greg’s imagination begin to turn.

The morning of her session, we gathered onto the porch of the Hardeman House, just around the corner from our studio, eager to see what musical moments we could create.  What followed was such an emotionally and spiritually stirring event.  George and Amy kicked it off, softly playing the guitar and mandolin and adding in some vocal harmony.  Their son delicately joined in on the ukulele.  Soon the street was echoing with their rising voices.  They were singing to God.  The sound was tender, yet powerful.  It was heartwarming to notice each of the little smiles, nods and quick glances they gave one another.  To hear this sweet family that morning was incredibly uplifting and wonderful to experience.  To see them relate to each other the way they did was quite moving.

Usually we are the ones trying to provide the memorable experience for our clients.  But on that day, we were treated.  Every time I see the beautiful portraits of Amy’s family, I will be reminded of how I felt that special morning.  It was only 30 minutes, but I will carry that memory with me for years… and I am thankful.

Blog Graduating Seniors

Custom Graduation Invitations

Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.

Right now, I am happily engaged in creating unique graduation invitations for our 2014 high school and college seniors.  Some are from senior sessions we did back in the summer or fall, and some are from sessions we just photographed.  Each invitation is made to order, from the selection of poses… to any particular verbiage… right down to the color scheme.  These are not your run of the mill type invites.  They are the right combination of bright and professional, vibrant and elegant.  No two look the same.  I enjoy designing these cards because it is as challenging as it is beautiful.  My task is to incorporate our client’s desires into an overall layout that works aesthetically and pragmatically.  It gets really interesting though when Mom and Dad do not see eye to eye with Senior.  But I have yet to hear any complaints after the final product is in their hands.

Recently I’ve run into several parents who have asked me if our studio is booked up with senior portrait sessions this spring.  I tell them that March is looking a little crazy, but it always does.  My advice to them is call as early as you can so that we will have the most availability and flexibility.  And if you are wanting those rockin’ awesome invitations that we are famous for, then call even earlier.  That graduation day clock is winding down.  The last thing I want is to turn someone away simply because we ran out of time.  So give the studio a call if you want senior portraits and products that will make sure you stand out from the crowd.

Blog Graduating Seniors

Signature Seniors

Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.

At the studio, we have a dressing room for our clients.  In that room, there is a wall where graduating seniors have written little notes about their sessions and signed their names.  Looking at this wall the other day got me thinking about the individuality of each of these seniors.  Every word is penned with its own particular handwriting. Each note has its own voice.  Every signature is unique and stylistic.  This hodgepodge of messages is a perfect representation of just how different each person is.  As we go throughout our busy lives, we shouldn’t forget our diversity and what personal characteristics make us who we are.  We should embrace them because it is our individuality that makes us so wonderfully special.

Whether it be for a high school senior, 6 month old baby, a brand new bride, or whatever, a portrait should exemplify what makes that person special.  Their interests, attitude and personality should shine through for all to appreciate.  We want to offer that to our clients.  We do offer that to our clients.  G. Patterson Studio helps bring out your inner “awesomeness” for others to see and enjoy.  At the studio, we have an expression for our seniors, “Show the world your true self.”  Let’s work together to make that thought a reality.  Hope to see you soon!