Blog Events Graduating Seniors Portrait Sessions self-help Tips & Tricks

8 Steps to Better Prom Pix

It’s that season, and though you might not have a high schooler destined for prom this year, these tips just might help with your next family gathering.


If possible, choose an outdoor setting with some greenery—trees, bushes, anything with green or flowers. Place the subjects several feet in front of the background.
If indoors, take a couple minutes to select a posing spot and clear any clutter out of the background.
Try to avoid direct sunlight. If you have no choice, place the sun behind your subject and off to one side and force the flash to fire.


To compose your image, you can either zoom out and get close or zoom in and step back. Try the latter.Jenkins_270 PT By stepping back, you shorten the facial features and create a more flattering image of the subjects’ faces.


If you have a tripod or monopod, use it. If not, set the camera on a stable object. The Faver_123smworst possible way to shoot is to hold your camera out in front of you with two hands.The camera will move and the image will be blurry.Faver_093sm


In general, don’t use on-camera flash indoors; it will create a very cheap look and very hard shadows. Find a room with the best light. If you have an DSLR camera with a separate flash, you can consider bouncing if off of the wall or ceiling. It’s better to use available light and shoot with a stable camera. Outdoors, a bit of fill flash may be good to minimize eye circles.


Most cameras have a white balance selection. Instead of auto, choose the white balance that is appropriate for the predominant light source. Outside in shade, choose Shade. It will have a great impact on your image colors.


Take a few shots of each couple. Have one person place their arms around their date’s waist and you can show their flowers, as well. Then get all of the girls together and then all of the guys, and finally, one shot with all of the couples. Pose them with hands at sides, or partially in pockets, or holding flowers or each other. A few candids will mix it up, maybe using a sporty car or the family dog. You can shoot the guys roughhousing or the girls “getting ready” to go to prom. If multiple people are taking pictures, take turns. You want to avoid eyes going in all different directions.


The more people in an image, the greater the likelihood that someone will be blinking in any shot. For larger groups, take at least 5 images. One trick is to have everyone close their eyes, and on a count of three, open them and smile.


Spend a couple of minutes to rotate the images so they all show up correctly, and consider a few basic edits: contrast, color saturation, exposure levels, cropping. These fundamental editing steps will take a good shot and make it great.

P.S. If any of this sounds like greek to you, consider calling a professional this prom season who takes all the guesswork out of creating beautiful images of an occasion worth remembering.


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Lacey Stubblefield and Starr

Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket
Lacey proudly holding her FFA jacket

Being in business for the last twenty years has given us contacts we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Amanda and her daughter, Lacey, are some of our clients we’ve really enjoyed getting to know. A few months back, Amanda made an appointment for a senior session for her daughter. Besides being a teacher in Groveton and a Young Living consultant, Amanda spends much of her time traveling with her daughter all across Texas to her FFA events and barrel racing competitions. Lacey’s eighteen years belies all the awards and recognitions she’s received; and because she’s also very articulate, I’m going to let her tell you about Starr.

“My favorite animal is a horse. My favorite horse is Starr Lena. Who am I ?  Who is Starr Lena? Well let me explain, I am Lacey Stubblefield, a senior at Groveton High School, and a eight time National Little Britches Rodeo finals qualifier.  Starr Lena is my diva barrel horse. 

Starr Lena and I have a bond like sisters. Sometimes we push each other’s limits but we always love and respect each other.  Starr is my rodeo athlete.  I’m so thankful every time I get to throw a leg over her and ride . 

Starr and I haven’t always had the perfect journey but it has made us who we are. Starr and I have been through many trials together.  Starr was diagnosed with a disease called EPM that took her out of  competition for over a year.  The disease affected her brain and nervous system.  It took time for her to recuperate and we had to learn to trust each other again. Most horses don’t survive from this disease but,  my tough girl did. 

Starr and I are back on the rodeo trail again. Starr loves to take selfies on my phone. She has lots of personality and she is a little Powerball full of energy, but very down to earth. If you ever meet Starr she will leave an impression on you. “

Lacey is not your typical high school senior, and neither is Starr your typical pet. But, many of us have a bond with our pet that we have a hard time describing with words. And, isn’t that what makes it beautiful? If you’ve not had a professional portrait taken with your pet(s), now’s the perfect time. With our “Paws for Pets” special, we’ll donate half of the session price to our local Humane Society. Visit our website or give us a call to schedule portraits of your pet.

Starr, a well-gromed horse
Starr, a well-gromed horse
A bond like sisters
A bond like sisters
Blog Rambling Running/Recreation Self-exploration self-help

For those of you who still think losing weight will make you happy

When Meghan Trainor came on the scene with her hit, “It’s All About the Bass,” denouncing those that would judge another because of their weight, we were all in enthusiastic agreement. To be honest, though, we size people up every day based on all kinds of things from how much money we make to where someone attends college. Retailers devote a lot of their budget to find out where you shop and what drives your shopping choices. We answer questions everyday about people using our inferential powers, so what can you do when someone labels you “fat” or “overweight”? There may not be anything you can do about how others treat you according to the way you look, but what if you could respond in a positive way?

Answer the following questions to find out if you’re affected by how others see you:

1. Have you ever tried on an outfit that you loved on the rack until you put it on and decided it’d look better on someone else?
2. Have you ever declined that first helping of dessert because everyone else at the table was thinner than you?
3. Have you ever thought about putting something important or fun off until you lose some weight?

If you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions, it might be time for a change, but not the kind you’re thinking about.

We’ve all heard stories of someone who lost the weight they’d been hoping to lose for a long time, only to find they were just as unhappy as they were before they lost the weight? How realistic is it to think that making a change on the outside could change how we feel on the inside that much? If you want to be truly happy, try making these changes instead.

Don’t look to others to make you happy; they’ll always let you down. Have you held onto resentment, anger, hurt and bitterness because of what another person said or did to you? Do forgive and forget, and you’ll begin to help you heal by replacing those feelings with something positive like treating others with kindness. By praising another person or just listening to them, you gain power, and you may gain another friend.

Don’t sweat the small stuff. Most of what we worry about are either things that won’t matter in a day or next week, or they’re things we can’t change. Do give thanks. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. Doing so helps you maintain stress, gives you happier moods and greater optimism.

You may say, “You wouldn’t believe the problems I face.” But, you’ll always have failures in life, that’s a given. You can change the way you see them. Don’t make excuses by blaming others for your problems; doing so means you’ll unlikely be able to overcome them. Happy people take responsibility for their mistakes. Why not see your problem as a challenge to make a positive change in your life?

It’s true, there are some things out of your control. But, focus on the things you can. Waking up at the same time every morning enhances productivity and focus, especially if you’re taking the time to pray and meditate. Eating well by avoiding junk foods or processed foods can prime your body and brain to be in a focused, happy state. When I’m grocery shopping, I keep in mind that the healthier foods are found along the walls of the store. Shop for fruits and vegetables, dairy and cheese, and meats and seafood around the perimeter of the store. Exercising every day will enhance your frame of mind and reduce stress. By doing something you know makes you healthier, your can’t help by becoming happier!

G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
Blog Graduating Seniors Portrait Sessions Rambling

A First Look

We like to post some of the images we take of a particular subject as often as we can. They ask for it and, well, it’s good publicity for us! Here’s some of my top picks from just a few of the senior “casual” sessions. We call them casual, because they’re not wearing their graduation gown, or their tux or drape if they’re going in the NHS yearbook. But, don’t they look casual? After all, for a senior session, what we hope will come across in their images is their true sel. 700_5986 Baker_011 PT Norbert_052 Payne_063 PT Young_049 PT

Blog Graduating Seniors

Sending Seniors off in Style!

Senior Portrait Fun

We love creating a fun and memorable experience for our seniors.  If they don’t have a blast, then we haven’t done our jobs.  Plus, when our seniors are relaxed and having a good time, it makes capturing amazing moments that much easier.  Every year, we see a new “crop” of seniors come through our studio doors, and we’d like to think they are venturing off to college with some great memories of little ol’ Nac.

It feels like we’re winding down for this year’s graduates, but there is always time for a professional portrait that represents all that your senior has accomplished.  So, if you’re one of the few who haven’t made the time, please feel free to call us and set up an appointment.  We’ll try to make you feel like the center of the universe… and I bet we’ll have a fun time too.

Blog Children Family Graduating Seniors Rambling

Connecting with our Clients… Then and Now

A snapshot of our printed newsletter from 9 years ago.
A snapshot of our printed newsletter from 9 years ago.


A snapshot of our recent e-newsletter.
A snapshot of our recent e-newsletter.

For the better part of 10 years, we’ve tried to stay connected with our clients through our studio newsletter “Coming Home.”  It’s of great importance to us to remain engaged with our friends and family who continue to support our portrait studio.  The newsletter often contains stories of recent family sessions, growing families, photography tips, upcoming specials, holiday recipes, and our thoughts on the day.  We want to share our exciting stories with our community.  We want to inspire and encourage families and children and graduating seniors.  We want to enrich the lives of our readers if only by bringing a simple smile to their faces.  Our newsletter has seen its fair share of changes, from originating as a print snail-mailer to the current instant email it is today.  So please take the time to peruse and share our newsletter the next time you see it in your inbox.  Thanks for reading… and remember to stay in touch.


Blog Graduating Seniors

Custom Graduation Invitations

Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.

Right now, I am happily engaged in creating unique graduation invitations for our 2014 high school and college seniors.  Some are from senior sessions we did back in the summer or fall, and some are from sessions we just photographed.  Each invitation is made to order, from the selection of poses… to any particular verbiage… right down to the color scheme.  These are not your run of the mill type invites.  They are the right combination of bright and professional, vibrant and elegant.  No two look the same.  I enjoy designing these cards because it is as challenging as it is beautiful.  My task is to incorporate our client’s desires into an overall layout that works aesthetically and pragmatically.  It gets really interesting though when Mom and Dad do not see eye to eye with Senior.  But I have yet to hear any complaints after the final product is in their hands.

Recently I’ve run into several parents who have asked me if our studio is booked up with senior portrait sessions this spring.  I tell them that March is looking a little crazy, but it always does.  My advice to them is call as early as you can so that we will have the most availability and flexibility.  And if you are wanting those rockin’ awesome invitations that we are famous for, then call even earlier.  That graduation day clock is winding down.  The last thing I want is to turn someone away simply because we ran out of time.  So give the studio a call if you want senior portraits and products that will make sure you stand out from the crowd.

Blog Graduating Seniors

Signature Seniors

Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.

At the studio, we have a dressing room for our clients.  In that room, there is a wall where graduating seniors have written little notes about their sessions and signed their names.  Looking at this wall the other day got me thinking about the individuality of each of these seniors.  Every word is penned with its own particular handwriting. Each note has its own voice.  Every signature is unique and stylistic.  This hodgepodge of messages is a perfect representation of just how different each person is.  As we go throughout our busy lives, we shouldn’t forget our diversity and what personal characteristics make us who we are.  We should embrace them because it is our individuality that makes us so wonderfully special.

Whether it be for a high school senior, 6 month old baby, a brand new bride, or whatever, a portrait should exemplify what makes that person special.  Their interests, attitude and personality should shine through for all to appreciate.  We want to offer that to our clients.  We do offer that to our clients.  G. Patterson Studio helps bring out your inner “awesomeness” for others to see and enjoy.  At the studio, we have an expression for our seniors, “Show the world your true self.”  Let’s work together to make that thought a reality.  Hope to see you soon!

Babies Blog Children Family

Getting it Right Every Time

Three photos depicting a family's loving relationship.
The loving relationship within a family is easy to find, but often challenging to photograph. So when the moment comes, be ready!

When you have been around as long as G. Patterson Studio has, you think you have heard it all when it comes to doubts.  Stressed out mothers will say, “There is just no way to get a good photo of my child.” Sarcastic dads will smirk, “Good luck with this family.” Nervous teenagers will say, “I don’t like pictures.”  And even those parents, at the end of their portrait session, will sometimes ask, “Do you think we got anything at all?”

Yes, this kind of uncertainty and doubt can worry even the most experienced of photographers, but it always seems to turn out the same way (… at least at our studio.) When the client returns to view the images from their session, they are blown away.  Tears immediately well up in the eyes.  And then look out!  Here come the ‘Thanks you’s!’ and ‘These are amazing’s!’  One recent client, who has been coming to us for years, said, “I sincerely wondered if you were able to capture anything with the way my kids ran around.  But I don’t know why I ever doubt.  The photos turned out beautifully, as they always do.  Thank you!”

I can honestly say that the one complaint we get is NOT that the photos are bad, rather that there are too many good ones to choose from.  But that’s what being a professional is all about.  Capturing great tear-jerking moments through photography is not always easy.  In fact, it is often hard.  But it is so worth it when it is done right.  And professionals are there to get it right every time.  A professional understands that there will not be a second chance to capture that ‘I do’ wedding moment. A professional understands that children will not always cooperate, so you must be ready for the fraction of a second that they will.  A professional can speak with a nervous teenager to make her feel at ease and actually laugh so her genuine smile shines through her senior portraits.  A professional photographer should be ready for just about anything.  After all, when working with people, you never know for certain what to expect.

Photography does not promise to get any easier in the future.  Parents will still have their doubts.  Teenagers will act shy.  Children will go bonkers!  But these are not meant to fuel the excuse train.  These are exactly the reasons to seek out a professional who is completely capable of capturing the perfect portrait even when it seems challenging or impossible.  G. Patterson Studio wants to photograph those once-in-a-lifetime moments of your family.  We want to take away the stresses so that you can enjoy the fruits of our labor for many years to come.  Your walls and shelves and coffee tables can be covered with priceless family memories.  G. Patterson Studio is here to make that happen.

Blog Graduating Seniors

A senior’s final semester:

Nacogdoches Senior Class of 2014 at G. Patterson Studio portrait garden
Nacogdoches Senior Class of 2014 at G. Patterson Studio portrait garden

After Christmas, one of two things generally happens to a senior.  They either get busy or they get lazy (senior-itis).  The first group tends to be on a mad hunt for scholarships and extra-curricular activities as they submit college applications.  The other tends to sit back and coast and let the chips fall where they may.  But no matter which category they fall into, everyone will agree that these final five months go by as a blur.  So, to our graduating class of ’14 and your parents I say this, “Don’t blink. You might miss it.”

But hey, that’s what senior portraits are for… to help you remember all that you’ve accomplished and all that you represent right now in this moment in time… to remind family and friends of the whacky, zany, silly, funny, serious, studious, and hard-working sides of your personality.   In the last week and a half, we have personally seen and scheduled many 2014 seniors for their senior portrait sessions.  We’ve been talking graduation invitations, outfits, locations, and poses to make sure that this moment is perfectly catered to the individual.  It’s obvious that students and parents alike are getting excited in their anticipation of graduation… and so are we!  If you have been sitting around waiting for the right time to schedule, NOW is that time!  Call the studio to discuss your ideal senior session and what products you’re most interested in.  Hope to hear from you soon.