We had the great pleasure of seeing these two beautiful children come to the studio last week. Big Sister was very patient and perfectly well behaved. Little Brother, on the other hand, had something else in mind. Don’t get me wrong… He wasn’t misbehaved at all. He just was NOT interested in having photos taken.
This happens plenty at our Nacogdoches studio. When we ask parents or grandparents what they are trying to achieve most out of their session, they sometimes say, “Something where the kids are looking at the camera and it’s not completely blurry.” 🙂 Good news, we can help with that.
The truth is that the life of a child IS a blur, and you have to act fast or you will miss it. Children are full of energy and curiosity. They are silly, care-free, excited, and wacky. They roam, fidget, fuss, and are just plain not interested in what adults are interested in. Guess what… That’s exactly what makes them so great! And as their parents, we just want to hold onto that youthful spirit before it passes us by.
Children sessions at G. Patterson Studio are usually a little chaotic, but they’re also genuine and fun. We capture a child truly as he or she is, and it is SO WORTH IT!