An idea that was born to the studio earlier this year has continued to spice things up in our mini model department. With the success of our Microfashion {Brick Streets} to kick off the series, we decided the Brick Streets edition was simply the beginning. Adorable kiddos are the heart of our portraits, while their personal style (or, personal styler) is brought to life through their unique portrayals of “microfashion.” From the tutus to the cowboys… The more variety, the better!
Its a newfound love, for us, to see just what these minis dress up in and how their little personalities glow through their portraits.
If you happened to miss the ’51 Chevy Microfashion sessions, fret not. We are planning another edition for September 1 & 2 with a Back2School theme. Check out more MicroFashion on our Facebook page and outfit ideas on our Pinterest board.
Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.
Shop Small 2015 at G Patterson Studio and other downtown Nacogdoches businesses.
Yes, it has the word in the title, but this event is anything but small. It’s a real opportunity for each of us to help the economy grow in Nacogdoches. Have you ever wanted more businesses or restaurants in Nacogdoches? We must frequent those already here; for a company to locate here, they want to see that other like businesses and restaurants are doing well. Still not convinced? Here’s a few more reasons to shop Nacogdoches this holiday season.
It’s convenient! Why spend half your day driving when, instead, you could spend all that time shopping?
Save on gas! Although gas prices are down, what you can save in gas money could be spent eating out at a nice restaurant.
2. Lots of shops. The person who says they can’t find anything in Nacogdoches hasn’t seen everything, I would think. Before you go on your next shopping venture, plan to go at least one place you’ve never been. Try to do a search of the items for which you’re looking.
3. Less crowds. When you stay in Nacogdoches to shop small, you probably won’t battle long lines at the check out, and you certainly won’t have miles to walk to find where you parked your car.
4. Ease of driving. Traffic around shopping malls in the big cities is horrible during the holidays. Why subject yourself to that when you can take a leisurely stroll through downtown Nacogdoches while shopping.
5. See your friends! When you shop small in Nacogdoches, chances are you’ll bump elbows with people you know which makes for a really nice shopping trip.
6. Discounts, discounts, discounts! Shopping downtown this Saturday pays! Visit stores that participate in Small Business Saturday for incentives when you purchase. We will be offering Double Dollars. Spend $75 on gift cards and we will double it! (See studio for details or visit
You can, also, participate in Wassail Fest from 11-4pm that same day! Taste wassail at participating downtown businesses and pick your favorite, us of course!
G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
When Meghan Trainor came on the scene with her hit, “It’s All About the Bass,” denouncing those that would judge another because of their weight, we were all in enthusiastic agreement. To be honest, though, we size people up every day based on all kinds of things from how much money we make to where someone attends college. Retailers devote a lot of their budget to find out where you shop and what drives your shopping choices. We answer questions everyday about people using our inferential powers, so what can you do when someone labels you “fat” or “overweight”? There may not be anything you can do about how others treat you according to the way you look, but what if you could respond in a positive way?
Answer the following questions to find out if you’re affected by how others see you:
1. Have you ever tried on an outfit that you loved on the rack until you put it on and decided it’d look better on someone else? 2. Have you ever declined that first helping of dessert because everyone else at the table was thinner than you? 3. Have you ever thought about putting something important or fun off until you lose some weight?
If you answered “yes” to any or all of the questions, it might be time for a change, but not the kind you’re thinking about.
We’ve all heard stories of someone who lost the weight they’d been hoping to lose for a long time, only to find they were just as unhappy as they were before they lost the weight? How realistic is it to think that making a change on the outside could change how we feel on the inside that much? If you want to be truly happy, try making these changes instead.
Don’t look to others to make you happy; they’ll always let you down. Have you held onto resentment, anger, hurt and bitterness because of what another person said or did to you? Do forgive and forget, and you’ll begin to help you heal by replacing those feelings with something positive like treating others with kindness. By praising another person or just listening to them, you gain power, and you may gain another friend.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Most of what we worry about are either things that won’t matter in a day or next week, or they’re things we can’t change. Do give thanks. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down exactly what you’re grateful for each day. Doing so helps you maintain stress, gives you happier moods and greater optimism.
You may say, “You wouldn’t believe the problems I face.” But, you’ll always have failures in life, that’s a given. You can change the way you see them. Don’t make excuses by blaming others for your problems; doing so means you’ll unlikely be able to overcome them. Happy people take responsibility for their mistakes. Why not see your problem as a challenge to make a positive change in your life?
It’s true, there are some things out of your control. But, focus on the things you can. Waking up at the same time every morning enhances productivity and focus, especially if you’re taking the time to pray and meditate. Eating well by avoiding junk foods or processed foods can prime your body and brain to be in a focused, happy state. When I’m grocery shopping, I keep in mind that the healthier foods are found along the walls of the store. Shop for fruits and vegetables, dairy and cheese, and meats and seafood around the perimeter of the store. Exercising every day will enhance your frame of mind and reduce stress. By doing something you know makes you healthier, your can’t help by becoming happier!
G Patterson Studio portrait garden. Nacogdoches Texas.
I woke up this morning different. As always with me in February, I begin to get a little moody. I’ve always blamed it on the lack of sunshine or of being outside less often. If I don’t watch myself, I begin to care less about the things that are important to me; I begin just passing time.
As the temperature fell be a degree or two, I looked out the window and began to see the heavy raindrops turn to sleet and then, to snow. And as the snowflakes fell lightly to the ground, it seemed as though something in my thinking seemed lighter, maybe fresher? By the time I got to work, I felt entirely different from the day before. I was making lists and looking forward to the weekend. I was planning my next craft project and looking forward to making dinner tonight.
How is it that a little snow could change my whole attitude? Am I so shallow that it took an abrupt change in the weather’s pattern to shift my perspective? Why do I feel so useless, at times, when trying to gain the upper hand with my emotions?
Change, whether good or bad, can be construed as positive, in that it opens up our mind to possibilities that we couldn’t contrive before. What I experienced this morning was a simple jump start for my brain. I’m sure I could have found other ways to achieve this, such as taking my dog for a walk or visiting a sick neighbor.
Bertrand Russell said, “In all affairs it’s a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.”
Isaiah 43:18-19 “Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth: will you not be aware of it?”
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
At the studio, we have a dressing room for our clients. In that room, there is a wall where graduating seniors have written little notes about their sessions and signed their names. Looking at this wall the other day got me thinking about the individuality of each of these seniors. Every word is penned with its own particular handwriting. Each note has its own voice. Every signature is unique and stylistic. This hodgepodge of messages is a perfect representation of just how different each person is. As we go throughout our busy lives, we shouldn’t forget our diversity and what personal characteristics make us who we are. We should embrace them because it is our individuality that makes us so wonderfully special.
Whether it be for a high school senior, 6 month old baby, a brand new bride, or whatever, a portrait should exemplify what makes that person special. Their interests, attitude and personality should shine through for all to appreciate. We want to offer that to our clients. We do offer that to our clients. G. Patterson Studio helps bring out your inner “awesomeness” for others to see and enjoy. At the studio, we have an expression for our seniors, “Show the world your true self.” Let’s work together to make that thought a reality. Hope to see you soon!
Commercial image of Bancorp South employees taken by Greg Patterson
Commercial image of Bancorp South employees taken by Greg Patterson
Most people today understand the old phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words.” But what I want to talk about applies to all those business men and women out there whose careers hinge upon their image. To you I say, a picture is worth more than a thousand words… and you know it! It can be the very lifeblood of your business. A single photo has immeasurable affect on the way you are perceived by your potential clients, customers, and community. Like your reputation, your image is the determining factor as to whether someone will support your business or someone else’s. Having said all that, what does your latest business photo say about you or your company?
We are professionals in the image industry. We live and breathe photographs. It’s what we do. And we do it better than anyone else around. Like any other photo, we have the necessary experience and we take the needed time to carefully orchestrate the proper pose within the proper setting to create for you a photograph that expresses your desired image. Remember, good photographers can take good photos, but great photographers create great images.
Still reading?
In most cases, conveying your desired image does not end with the perfect photograph. The next logical step is to have that photo displayed in a manner worthy of the photo. We are happy to assist you in this respect as well. Whether you intend to display your business photo within a magazine, on a billboard, or on your business cards, please allow us the opportunity to finish the work that we started. Our layout and design services are another part of how we can ensure that your image says everything about you and your business that you intend it to.
If you would like to take this new year as an opportunity to update your old image or create something new, G. Patterson Studio is here to work with you.
Get out and practice with your new camera. As you practice, you will learn and have fun while doing so. It’s a great New Year resolution and may bring some joy in your life for 2014.
Did Santa bring you a new camera for the new year? If so, I’ve got a few tips that will help you get started with capturing some great images.
1. I know it sounds lame, but open that little book that came with the camera and read at least the first chapter or so. It should be a pretty easy read and will get you familiar with the basic functions. Read with your new camera in front of you and be sure to make note of how to turn the camera on and off, the location of the shutter release, zoom for lens, button or menu setting for ISO and white balance.
By the way, don’t try to learn all of the menu options. If you had a difficult time programming that old VCR, then trying to figure out all the menu items will easily confuse you early on. If you read something and it doesn’t make sense, simply read on and don’t get bogged down in technical details. Shoot for the basics at this point.
2. With the knowledge of being able to turn on the camera, set the camera to any of its programed shooting modes. Sometimes its a green P, or a symbol of some sort. Refer back to the manual if you can’t find it. Once found, I suggest going outside and practice. Go out during the day which should yield enough light for quality images and shoot until you get bored.
Practice capturing subjects that won’t run away or move. Your house, car, flowers, etc. all work well. Try to train your fingers to the locations of commonly used buttons. Be sure to to zoom and and out so you may practice with the lens as well.
Shooting in Program mode will force the camera to do all of the work for you with regards to setting the shutter speed and aperture. With time you can learn how to control these but at first its important to simply get started. Shooting in Program lets you enjoy quality results without all of the knowledge.
3. So you read some, practiced some, now its time to evaluate your results. I suggest downloading your images to a computer of choice. I’m a Mac user but any PC would work just as well. Once downloaded, use the OS or a program such as Adobe Bridge or Apple iPhoto to view the images. Look at each image you captured evaluating the technical quality. Look for sharpness and overall exposure. Try to remember what camera setting was used and make a note or mental note of what worked and what didn’t work.
You can put the camera card back into the camera during this process for some additional details sometimes not easily seen when viewing on a computer. With the media card back in the camera, look for things like focus point (where the camera focused), histogram (technical but helps to evaluate exposure) and any other settings used.
4. Once you have a handful of favorites, I suggest you send them off to be printed. Print 4×6″ at a minimum but if you feel you really have a few good shots, consider printing 8×10 inch prints. In Nacogdoches, any of the local drug stores can print.
With print in hand, compare what you were seeing on the computer. Darker, lighter or spot on? Compare to what you were seeing in the camera display.
5. The last tip is to give your favorite image to a friend, co-worker or family member. Have you heard about the Joy of Photography? Give your favorite image away and you will experience it in both you and the person you gave it to.
I would love to hear about your experiences regarding the new camera and new year.
Greg Patterson, Certified Professional Photographer