montage of children, families, seniors, and weddings photos
montage of children, families, seniors, and weddings photos
As we continue to reflect upon and celebrate all that has happened in the past 10 years, we take a look at the numbers of unique moments we’ve captured.
Over 1000 Just4Fun Kid’s sessions with all the goofy grins, silly smiles and unexpected moments one can imagine…
Hundreds of furry friends and their owners, those that behaved and those that made attempts to chase the neighborhood cat…
Over 800 nervous, yet excited graduating seniors, each with their own brand of style and personality…
Nearly 1500 fun-filled, action packed family sessions with crazy kiddos running around being chased by each other while the parents stand back and laugh at the mayhem…
Several dozen voice quivering “I do” moments, decorated Just Married getaway vehicles, and teary dads that are reluctant to give away their baby girls…
You, our clients, have invited us to be a part of creating tens of thousands of special moments. It continues to be a blessing and honor.
The image above represents a very special story to me:
One day, a young woman, pregnant with a baby girl, buys a beautiful dress. The woman has a vision of her baby growing into a beautiful young lady that will fit into that dress for her fifth birthday. In her vision, she sees her precious daughter wearing the dress while riding a pony barefoot with wind in her hair. Before the baby is even born, her mother can see this idea as a portrait hanging in her home. For the next five years, the woman patiently waits until the day finally comes when that baby has grown into the beautiful girl she had imagined. This sweet story has a beautiful ending as the portrait of her dreams now hangs in the woman’s home.
This is the kind of story that makes photographers love their job. However, so much has changed in the field of photography over the past few years… for better or worse. Cameras have gotten faster and more powerful, as they simultaneously have gotten sleeker and less expensive. Today, even our phones have better digital cameras on them than existed ten years ago. Everyone has a camera at their fingertips. Sadly for some, the ubiquitous nature of the modern day camera has changed their expectation of professional photography. These families no longer expect a friendly, customized portrait session. Instead, they anticipate a dry, quick, cookie-cutter session with forced expressions. To these families, I encourage you to expect more from photography. Let the story of the young mother inspire you to dream bigger. Though much has changed, one very important thing has stayed the same. A well crafted photograph still has the ability to stop you in your tracks and make you FEEL… happy, nostalgic, hopeful, excited, or even in love.
At G. Patterson Photographic Studio & Gallery, taking a photograph is less about documenting what someone looks like and more about capturing the essence of that person in that moment in time. Anyone can snap a photo and have it resemble the person they were aiming at. But that’s not our goal here at the studio. Our goal is to create a work of art that evokes emotion… that sees personalities shine through… that captures the loving relationships families share. One of the first questions we ask our clients before ever taking the camera out is, “What is your vision for this photograph?” We want to know if they have thought about who will be in it, what they will wear, will it be posed or candid, what type of setting, where will it be displayed, and finally what should it be about. Anyone can point a camera at someone else and press a button. What sets us apart is our willingness and ability to cater a session to your particular needs thereby creating a piece of portrait art that represents what you had envisioned and ultimately tells your story.
Remember that it is still possible to create a photograph that captures the imagination. And that’s exactly what we strive to do each day at G. Patterson Studio. We would love the opportunity to turn your dreams into reality through our fine-art photography.
Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
Custom graduation invitations from G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
Right now, I am happily engaged in creating unique graduation invitations for our 2014 high school and college seniors. Some are from senior sessions we did back in the summer or fall, and some are from sessions we just photographed. Each invitation is made to order, from the selection of poses… to any particular verbiage… right down to the color scheme. These are not your run of the mill type invites. They are the right combination of bright and professional, vibrant and elegant. No two look the same. I enjoy designing these cards because it is as challenging as it is beautiful. My task is to incorporate our client’s desires into an overall layout that works aesthetically and pragmatically. It gets really interesting though when Mom and Dad do not see eye to eye with Senior. But I have yet to hear any complaints after the final product is in their hands.
Recently I’ve run into several parents who have asked me if our studio is booked up with senior portrait sessions this spring. I tell them that March is looking a little crazy, but it always does. My advice to them is call as early as you can so that we will have the most availability and flexibility. And if you are wanting those rockin’ awesome invitations that we are famous for, then call even earlier. That graduation day clock is winding down. The last thing I want is to turn someone away simply because we ran out of time. So give the studio a call if you want senior portraits and products that will make sure you stand out from the crowd.
Greg and Cindy Patterson with Joe Buddy on Valentine's Day.
Greg and Cindy Patterson with Joe Buddy on Valentine’s Day.
Thanks to all who participated in “Puppy Love” and helped us support our local Humane Society. We would hope that every furry friend has it as good as Joe Buddy this Valentine’s Day. He has helped contribute to the happiness around the Patterson household since 2006 when we “rescued” him.
We wish all of our studio friends lots of love,
Greg, Cindy and Joe Buddy.
Family of four loving their dog Abby. Photo by Greg Patterson.
Each year, the studio hosts a promotional event in support of the Humane Society. Although the details of the event have changed from time to time, the goal is ultimately the same. We want to be a part of helping those pets that are in need while offering others an opportunity to join this effort. So, as a photography studio, what better opportunity is there than capturing special moments of your family with your beloved pet? These photos will capture the love your family has for your pet and will remain in your hearts for years to come. I know personally the lasting joy of having family photos created that included my dog Abby. My precious Abby left us all too soon, but we remember the great times we shared with her. In fact, the photo of all of us sits on a shelf right in front of me at work. A simple glance of this image brings a flood of happy memories and instantly improves my day.
Family of four loving their dog Abby. Photo by Greg Patterson.
Schedule your appointment now for this incredible opportunity to love on your family pet while helping those animals that have yet to find a home.
A portion of the proceeds will go directly to the Humane Society of Nacogdoches County. Call (936) 569-7116 to set your family’s appointment.
Appointments still available for Friday, February 14th at G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches. Hope to hear from you soon!
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
Graduating Seniors have filled a wall with written notes about their portrait sessions at G. Patterson Studio.
At the studio, we have a dressing room for our clients. In that room, there is a wall where graduating seniors have written little notes about their sessions and signed their names. Looking at this wall the other day got me thinking about the individuality of each of these seniors. Every word is penned with its own particular handwriting. Each note has its own voice. Every signature is unique and stylistic. This hodgepodge of messages is a perfect representation of just how different each person is. As we go throughout our busy lives, we shouldn’t forget our diversity and what personal characteristics make us who we are. We should embrace them because it is our individuality that makes us so wonderfully special.
Whether it be for a high school senior, 6 month old baby, a brand new bride, or whatever, a portrait should exemplify what makes that person special. Their interests, attitude and personality should shine through for all to appreciate. We want to offer that to our clients. We do offer that to our clients. G. Patterson Studio helps bring out your inner “awesomeness” for others to see and enjoy. At the studio, we have an expression for our seniors, “Show the world your true self.” Let’s work together to make that thought a reality. Hope to see you soon!
Three family photos depicting loving relationship.
The loving relationship within a family is easy to find, but often challenging to photograph. So when the moment comes, be ready!
When you have been around as long as G. Patterson Studio has, you think you have heard it all when it comes to doubts. Stressed out mothers will say, “There is just no way to get a good photo of my child.” Sarcastic dads will smirk, “Good luck with this family.” Nervous teenagers will say, “I don’t like pictures.” And even those parents, at the end of their portrait session, will sometimes ask, “Do you think we got anything at all?”
Yes, this kind of uncertainty and doubt can worry even the most experienced of photographers, but it always seems to turn out the same way (… at least at our studio.) When the client returns to view the images from their session, they are blown away. Tears immediately well up in the eyes. And then look out! Here come the ‘Thanks you’s!’ and ‘These are amazing’s!’ One recent client, who has been coming to us for years, said, “I sincerely wondered if you were able to capture anything with the way my kids ran around. But I don’t know why I ever doubt. The photos turned out beautifully, as they always do. Thank you!”
I can honestly say that the one complaint we get is NOT that the photos are bad, rather that there are too many good ones to choose from. But that’s what being a professional is all about. Capturing great tear-jerking moments through photography is not always easy. In fact, it is often hard. But it is so worth it when it is done right. And professionals are there to get it right every time. A professional understands that there will not be a second chance to capture that ‘I do’ wedding moment. A professional understands that children will not always cooperate, so you must be ready for the fraction of a second that they will. A professional can speak with a nervous teenager to make her feel at ease and actually laugh so her genuine smile shines through her senior portraits. A professional photographer should be ready for just about anything. After all, when working with people, you never know for certain what to expect.
Photography does not promise to get any easier in the future. Parents will still have their doubts. Teenagers will act shy. Children will go bonkers! But these are not meant to fuel the excuse train. These are exactly the reasons to seek out a professional who is completely capable of capturing the perfect portrait even when it seems challenging or impossible. G. Patterson Studio wants to photograph those once-in-a-lifetime moments of your family. We want to take away the stresses so that you can enjoy the fruits of our labor for many years to come. Your walls and shelves and coffee tables can be covered with priceless family memories. G. Patterson Studio is here to make that happen.
Daryl with his dog Bentley in a field of bluebonnets.
Daryl with his dog Bentley in a field of bluebonnets.
As a dog owner, I completely understand the strong bond of love and companionship a person experiences with their beloved pet. Personally, I am blessed to have a golden retriever whom I appropriately named Captain Jack Bentley. His name Bentley comes from the fact that he is as sleek and classy as the car. His rank of Captain is because he is so awesome he deserves to be saluted. And Jack because I just think that is a hilarious name for a dog. It’s cliche, but he is truly the best friend I have (OK, maybe tied with my wife.) Ever loyal, never angry nor prone to grudges, always ready to play or just be near me, he is a better friend to me than I deserve. I love my “golden” child. And I know that there are individuals and families all over Nacogdoches and East Texas that love their pets as much as I love mine. Now, I understand it can get annoying when you have that one friend that posts to facebook every last exploit, adventure, accomplishment…. or even nap of their fur-baby. But it’s because of their precious connection that pet owners can’t help themselves. They want to share with the whole world, just as I do, how much joy their companion brings to their lives.
Anyone that has read this much of this post is obviously an animal lover. You are the type of person that has enjoyed years of fun memories with your pet(s). Our studio caters to people just like you. A portrait of you and your pet that truly captures your relationship and their personality is something we can offer you. In addition, we give back to our local animal centered organizations to help promote the quality of life of needy animals. Years from now, when your puppy or kitten has grown and maybe even passed away, you can look back at those priceless photos and remember the joy your furry friend brought to your life. Consider the treasure of owning a lasting record of you and your “golden” child. And when you do, think of G. Patterson Studio in Nacogdoches.
Nacogdoches Senior Class of 2014 at G. Patterson Studio portrait garden
After Christmas, one of two things generally happens to a senior. They either get busy or they get lazy (senior-itis). The first group tends to be on a mad hunt for scholarships and extra-curricular activities as they submit college applications. The other tends to sit back and coast and let the chips fall where they may. But no matter which category they fall into, everyone will agree that these final five months go by as a blur. So, to our graduating class of ’14 and your parents I say this, “Don’t blink. You might miss it.”
But hey, that’s what senior portraits are for… to help you remember all that you’ve accomplished and all that you represent right now in this moment in time… to remind family and friends of the whacky, zany, silly, funny, serious, studious, and hard-working sides of your personality. In the last week and a half, we have personally seen and scheduled many 2014 seniors for their senior portrait sessions. We’ve been talking graduation invitations, outfits, locations, and poses to make sure that this moment is perfectly catered to the individual. It’s obvious that students and parents alike are getting excited in their anticipation of graduation… and so are we! If you have been sitting around waiting for the right time to schedule, NOW is that time! Call the studio to discuss your ideal senior session and what products you’re most interested in. Hope to hear from you soon.