Blog Rambling Running/Recreation Self-exploration Workshops, Seminars & Talks

Nothing off the chopping block

I began running today. I’ve run plenty of other times, in fact most of my life I’ve run for recreation and leisure, but I had taken a hiatus.  I run for so many reasons. Because my pants feel tight, because I feel blue or maybe I feel “blah.” I run when I feel a little under the weather or if I’m cramping. I run to clear my head or to help me solve a problem. I run to feel the wind on my face and the sun on my shoulders.

But because I’m going through this process of “deconstructing” my life in order to put it back together better, I stopped doing many of the things I became so used to doing just because I’d always done them. The running, to me, had become symbolic of my life. Because I mindlessly cruise through my day like a hamster on its wheel, success was tied to how many “things” I could check off my list, not the meaningful interludes with people.

I was a lot like Bill Murray’s character in the movie, “Groundhog Day,” a weatherman who grudgingly travels to Punxsutawny Pennsylvania to cover Punxsutawny Phil, the groundhog. He finds the job to be beneath him, and is even more upset when he’s snowed in that night. Instead of going home the next day, though, the weatherman wakes up to find it’s the same morning of the day before. And, only he seems to know the day is a repeat. This happens morning after morning when he realizes there are no lasting consequences to his actions. Whether it’s overeating or acting like a jerk that day, it’s forgiven the next morning when he gets to live it all over again. He quickly finds this life to be a lonely one, and so to improve himself and, hopefully, “get the girl,” his outlook on life begins to change. He takes piano lessons, learns French, becomes an ice sculptor, but most importantly, he becomes a student of the people in the town he comes in contact with each day. As his focus is drawn from the inside out, he becomes a happier person and more attractive to those around him.

If I’m going to spend much time on an activity, I don’t want it to be a completely selfish and wasteful endeavor. If I’m trying to live more purposely, should something I ordinarily do by myself face the chopping block? As I run, I think about how basic, how elemental it is. By simply throwing on a t-shirt and sweats, stepping out my back door, and doing something I love, I can feel more passionately about the things that are important to me. Living my life more simply with less stress, I’m hoping to see through all my busyness to the things that really matter.

So, I’ll keep running, especially if it helpsIMG_0347 me do the things I love with the people I love for as long as I can!

Blog Children Family Portrait Sessions Rambling

So, What Have We Lost?

While perusing new book titles on Amazon I saw one that caught my attention. What could a book titled “The End of Absence” be about? I wondered. The first thing I thought of was that the opposite of absent is present, right? So, was this another self-improvement book about how to stay present? I didn’t need to read another one of those, but I had to know what was “ending” exactly. I wasn’t intrigued enough to pay to read the book, but I did read a few reviews. Here’s the gist of what I got from a few of them.

fun in the portrait garden
fun in the portrait garden

The author describes the society that we’re in now as one being void of any new or creative thoughts. Because of the internet, we’ve allowed Google to do our thinking for us. We drag ourselves out of bed each morning to see what’s new on Facebook and end the day by checking our email one last time. And, in between, we’ve posted any number of pictures and videos, some our own, some we share.
Do we remember as youngsters daydreaming while looking out the window? Or, how about imagining that a cloud looks like an elephant? Does today’s generation have time for getting lost in their thoughts?
But, before getting too lost in this sentimental journey, I recall how I reminisced with an old friend I’d just reconnected with on Facebook. And, that recipe I got from a blogger in Canada was really good. I’ve gained so much through digital technology, it’s hard to imagine life without it anymore.
In fact, I can’t pinpoint exactly what we’ve lost, except our childhood. For those of us who are middle-aged, we tend to feel nostalgic about the simple joys of rolling in the grass or splashing in rain puddles. We wonder why our kids want to spend more time on the computer than they do outside. The next generation will feel the same way when they remember the first digital diary they created from a family vacation or come across the first selfie they ever took.
I’m going to pass on this book; it won’t tell me much I don’t already know about the growing number of hours we spend on the internet. I’ll try to spend that time instead by staying close to the people I love. And, if that’s through Facebook or Skype, so be it.

Blog Family

Is it Christmas, Already?

Portrait of sweet family of five taken by Greg Patterson
Portrait of sweet family of five taken by Greg Patterson

Before you start decking the halls and hanging ice sickle lights, no it’s not already Christmas… but it sure feels that way.  Time has a way of zipping past us.

Back in October of 2013, my family first started planning our Disney World trip to be taken eight months later in June of 2014.  Last year we thought the day would never come.  Months of anticipation and arranging schedules had to be endured, and now it is ancient history.  Maybe not ancient history, but it has already been more than a month since we have returned from that long anticipated trip.

Yes, time goes by at an alarming rate.  And although we have five more months until Christmas, soon I’ll be writing another one of these blog posts saying how it came and went too fast.

A friend of mine said that the relative sense of “time flying” is directly related to how much fun you are having.  So, the next time you are having a lot of fun, remember to pause and enjoy it.   Because it will zip past you in a blink.


Beautiful Christmas Cards of a sweet family of five created by G. Patterson Studio.
Beautiful Christmas Cards of a sweet family of five created by G. Patterson Studio.

And since you brought it up 🙂  …..  Summer is a great time to take family portraits to be used on your Christmas Cards.  Our studio will do all the heavy lifting when it comes to designing the perfect card for your family.  It’s just up to you to schedule.  We don’t want you to find yourself stressing at the last minute to get it all done.  So call today.  936-569-7116  It could be Christmas in July!

Blog Rambling

No Agenda Necessary

Beautiful boy styling' in his fedora.
Beautiful boy styling’ in his fedora.

I have a plan for everything these days! What I’m gonna fix for dinners for the week, how we’ll spend our weekends for the month, even what I’m going to wear for the next few days. (I don’t want to waste that perfect outfit on work when I could wear it for that lunch date!) I definitely have a plan for our spending for the month. I even have a plan for my plan, call it an agenda or parameters for which I live my life.

I don’t want to be too extravagant with anything I do, but I never want to be too careful, either. Life is short, right?
Something else I like to plan for is how I volunteer my time and money. There are so many causes from which to choose, some you may have a passion for, others you share a political view with and others are affiliated with your faith. I, often, do a little research to know exactly where my money goes. I knew a man that traveled a lot, and he’d pick up hitchhikers along the way. He’d often give them the money in his pocket before they parted ways. Generous? I call it reckless! After all, what was stopping that hitchhiker from buying something other than food?

When I had a chance the other day to sign up to help with feeding lunch to school-age children in the park, I didn’t have time to make all the usual considerations. All I knew was that they needed someone, and I had the time. So I put my name down, and am I glad I did. The smile on my face was as big as those on the kids’ faces. And, that feeling stayed with me the rest of the day. It was such a fun experience, I’ll do it again, even if it means changing my schedule.

Do I plan on throwing caution to the wind every time one of these opportunities presents itself? No, in fact I probably won’t be picking up any hitchhikers. I intend to hold onto my “agenda” a little less tightly, though. After all, I could change someone’s life for the better, including my own!
